Page 206 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 206
He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom, but the friend
of the Bridegroom which standeth and heareth Him, re-
joiceth greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice; this,
my joy, therefore, is fulfilled." John 3:28-29. Here we
have a clear distinction between the Old Testament Saints
and the Bride of Christ.
They shall be perfected, but God has "provided some
better thing for us, that they without us should not be made
perfect." Heb. 11:40. Not that the Church is more wor-
thy, but because, that in the overflowing grace of God 17
He has chosen the Church to be the heavenly Bride of
The Church is the body of Christ, 18 and her precious
union with Him is most clearly set forth in the epistle to
the Ephesians. She is there regarded as spiritually quick-
ened 19 and seated in the heavenlies 20 with her risen Lord, 21
having been "chosen in Him before the foundation of the
world" to '^be holy and without blame before Him in
love." She is to be "to the praise of the glory of His
grace .... accepted in the Beloved," 22 being "sealed
with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of
Israel was an earthly bride, comforted with temporal
blessings, and to these she shall be restored. Though now
through unbelief she is desolate, her children shall yet be
as the sand of the sea. Isa. 54; Jer. 3:1-18; 31:32; Ezk. 16;
Hos. 1:10, 11; 2; 3. See page 162.
(17) Eph. 2:7. That in the gether in heavenly places in
ages to come he might shew the Christ Jesus.
exceeding riches of his grace, in (21) Eph. 1:20. Which he
his kindness toward us, through wrought in Christ, when he
Christ Jesus. raised him from the dead, and
(18) 1 Cor. 12:27. Now ye ^ tJfheavenW
are the body of Christ, and mem- ^^
bers in particular. he hatQ cnosen ug ,n him be _
(19) Eph. 2:1. And you Jiath fore the foundation of the world,
he quickened, who were dead in that we should be holy and with-
trespasses and sins. out blame before him in love :
i o T.I j *. 6. Having predestined us un-
(20) Eph 1:3. Blessed 6e
children by
the God and Father of our Lord to the Cnri t hlmse if, accord-
Jesus Christ, who hath blessed , t fa d w
us with all spiritual blesstags in
wi jj
heavenly places in Christ.
fi ; TQ the pra ,se of the glory
Eph. 2 :6. And hath raised MS of his grace, wherein he hath
up together, and made us sit to- made us accepted in the beloved.