Page 208 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 208

THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.              205

      cleansed,  she  is  presented  unto the Lord  "Himself  a
      glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such
      thing," but "holy  land without blemish,"  the  Bride of
      Christ.  "For we are members of His body."  Can there
      be anything more precious than the thought of Jesus com-
      ing to take unto Himself His Bride?  It is  full of ten-
      derness and love. What will He not do for her when He
      presents her unto Himself!  The ecstasy of that meeting
      is above the power of description by tongue or pen. "Eye
      hath not  seen, nor ear heard; neither have entered into
      the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared
      for them that love Hun."  1 Cor. 2:9. We have indeed
      "an earnest" "by His Spirit,"  the "first fruits" a fore-
      taste of the joys to come.  But THEN  shall the Church
      experience the rest of love  the fulness of communion
      the rapture of her Lord's embrace, and be satisfied in the
      sweetness of His love.
       The comfort of this truth is all lost if we fail to make
      the proper distinction between the Church land the King-
      dom.  The Church  is not to be reigned  over, but  is to
      reign with Christ.
                No more heart-pangs nor sadness
                    When Jesus comes;
                All peace and joy and gladness
                  When Jesus comes.
                He'll know the way was dreary,
                    When Jesus comes;
                He'll know the feet grew weary,
                    When Jesus comes.
        (26) Eph.  5:25.  Husbands,  31. For this cause shall a man
      love your wives, even as Christ  leave his father and mother, and
      also loved the church, and gave  shall cleave to his wife  ; and the
      himself up for it  ;     two shall become one flesh.
        26. That he might sanctify  It,  32. This mystery is great  : but
      having cleansed  it by the wash-  I speak  in regard of Christ and
      ing of water with the word,  of  the church.
        27. That he might present the  (27) 2 Tim. 2:11.  It  is  a
      church  to  himself  a  glorious  faithful  saying :  For  If we  be
      church,  not  having  spot  or  dead with  him, we  shall  also
      wrinkle or any such thing; but  live with him:
      that it should be holy and with-  12.  If we suffer, we shall  al-
      out blemish.             so reign with him:  if we deny
        30. Because we  are members  him, he also will demy  us.
      of his body.
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