Page 209 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 209
He'll know what griefs oppressed me,
When Jesus comes;
Oh, how His arms will rest me!
When Jesus comes.
This subject of our Lord's coming again is of such vital
importance land is so largely interwoven with the whole
of Scripture, that it affords a boundless field of investi-
gation and an exhaustless mine of truth. There is much
more we would be glad to say about it, but our little book
has already exceeded the intended limit,* and we will only
add a few words in regard to the time.
*To those who may wish for further information on this
subject, we would recommend, among other helps, the ser-
mon by Mr. Moody. "Maran-atha," by Dr. Brookes. "He
Will Come," by Dr. Tyng. "Plain Papers on Prophetic
Subjects," by W. Trotter. Also the published addresses de-
livered at the conferences in England, to-wit: "Sixteen Ad-
dresses on the Blessed Hope," and "Our God Shall Come,"
and especially the Pre-Millennial Essays, delivered at the
Prophetic Conference in New York and "The Great Proph-
ecies," by Geo, H. Pembr.