Page 210 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 210
The Time.
And first let us make a clear distinction between the
time of the Rapture and the time of the Revelation. t (See
The principal thought in regard to the former is that it
may happen NOW. Nothing is given us in Scripture so
definite as to form a sign of or date for the Rapture. We
are to be always watching and waiting for it, and expect-
ing it at any moment.
It is true that the Church may see the "fig tree signs"
BEGIN to come to pass before she shall be taken out of
the world to escape the Tribulation.
But these signs are of such a nature, especially the
"wars and earthquakes," "distress of nations, sea and
waves roaring," that the Church in each of the past eight-
tFailure to do this has led many to make grievous errors
in setting dates for our Lord's return.
(1) Lu. 21:25. And there forth, ye see and know of your
shall be signs in the sun, and own selves that summer is now
in the moon, and in the stars nigh at hand.
and upon the earth distress of 31. So likewise ye, when ye
nations, with perplexity ; the see these things come to pass,
sea and the waves roaring ; ye that the kingdom of
26. Men's hearts failing them God is nigh at hand.
for fear, and for looking after (2) Lu. 21 :34. But take heed
those things which are coming to yourselves, lest haply your
on the earth : for the powers of hearts be overcharged with sur-
heaven shall be shaken. feiting, and drunkenness, and
27. And then shall they see cares of this life, and that day
the Son of man coming in a come on you suddenly as a
cloud with power and great snare :
glory. 35. For so shall it come upon
28. And when these things be- all them that dwell on the face
gin to come to pass, then look of all the earth.
up, and lift up your heads ; for 36. But watch ye at every
your redemption draweth nigh. season, making supplication, that
29. And he spake to them a ye may prevail to escape all
parable ; Behold the fig tree, and these things that shall come to
all the trees ; pass, and to stand before the
30. When they now shoot Son of man.