Page 215 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 215

212            JESUS IS COMING.
           "He that scattereth  Israel  will gather him, and keep
         him as a shepherd doth his flock."  Jer. 31:10.
           Besides these, we have other evidences.  Many are run-
         ning to and fro upon the highways of travel, or searching
         diligently through and through the prophetic Word, which
         is doubtless the true meaning of the passage (Dan. 12:4)
         and which is a sign of "the time of the end."
           The awful dearth of spiritual life in the great nominal
         church is another evidence.
           The restless and perplexed condition of the nations  is
         also suggestive.  And there are several other evidences of
         which we might speak, all of which substantiate the fact
         that the day is "approaching."  Heb. 10 :25.
          And  lastly, while it is entirely unscriptural and wrong
         to put the second coming of our Lord any distance into the
         future, and likewise unscriptural and wrong to fix a date,
         or name the time when He shall come for His bride, yet
         there will be & privileged company of saints living upon the
         earth  11  at the time when He shall descend from heaven,  12
         and who shall say that they will all be taken by surprise?
         Every generation that has lived since He went away, how-
         ever dark and unspiritual  it may have been, has had  its
         band of faithful watching ones.
           Shortly previous to the first coming of Christ, the Holy
         Ghost, although He had given, through Daniel, the definite
         prophecy of the seventy weeks, gave a special revelation
         unto the devout Simeon,  who was "waiting for the con-
         solation of Israel," to-wit: "that he should not see death
         before he had seen the Lord's Christ.  Luke 2:26.  And
         this leads us to ask:  May not the same blessed  Spirit,
         who thus revealed this mighty event to Simeon of old (and
                                     13  likewise give unto a
         probably  to the aged Anna, also)
           (11)  1 Cor. 15 :51.  Behold,  I  corrruptible,  and we  shall  be
         shew you a mystery ; We  shall  changed.
         not all sleep, but we shall all be  (12)  1  Thes. 4:16.  For the
         changed.                Lord himself shall descend from
                                 heaven, with a shout, with the
          52. In a moment, In the twlnk-  voice of the archangel, and with
         ling of an eye, at the last trump  :  the trump of God  : and the dead
         for  the  trumpet  shall  sound,  in Christ shall rise first.
         and the dead shall be raised in-  (13) Lu.  2:36.  And  there
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