Page 216 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 216

THE TIME.                   213

     favored  one, or a chosen few of the faithful watching
     ones, to know that their glad eyes shall see His appearing,
                                      1 *
     and that they shall never taste of death.  Even so now,
     many of the most devout and faithful of God's people,
     in  all denominations, both in this and foreign lands, are
     seriously impressed with the conviction, that the coming of
     the Lord is near.
       These are  certainly  sufficient evidences to enforce the
     apostle's  injunction,  that we should exhort one another
     "and so much the more as" we "see the day approaching."
     Heb. 10:25.
       For,  if the day, or Revelation,  is near, the Rapture is
     still  nearer.  And  again  the  general  conviction among
     Bible students and earnest Christians, that the great pro-
     phetic periods, which point to the Revelation are nearly
     ended, and the deep conviction expressed by many, includ-
     ing even statesmen and scientists, that some great event is
     near, may well lead us to enquire,
                Watcnman, What of the Night?
       Ever since the sin of Adam and Eve this world has been
                 5               16
     a DARK PLACE/  a moral "Night."  By faith the believer
     looks forward, through prophecy, to the Day,  the glori-
     ous Day, which is coming, when salvation, which is now  by
     was one Anna, a prophetess, the  also a more sure word of proph-
     daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe  ecy  ; whereunto ye do well that
      of Aser : she was of a great age,  ye  take  heed,  as  unto  a  light
      and had  lived with  a husband  that shlneth in a dark place, un-
      seven years from her virginity  ;  til the day dawn, and  the day-
       37. And she was a widow of  star arise in your hearts,
      about fourscore and four years,  (16) John 1:5.  And the light
      which  departed  not  from  the  shineth  in  darkness  ;  and  the
      temple,  but  served  God  with  darkness comprehended  it not
      fastings and prayers night and  10. He was in the world, and
      day.                    the world was made by him, and
       38. And she  coming  in  that  the world knew him not.
      instant gave thanks likewise un-  John  3 :19.  And this  Is  the
      to the Lord, and st>ake of him to  condemnation, that light  is coma
      all them that looked for redemp-  into the  world, and men  loved
      tion  in Jerusalem.     darkness  rather than  light,  be-
       (14) John 11:26.  And who-  cause their deeds were evil,
      soever  liveth  and  believeth  in  20. For every one that doetb
     me  shall  never  die.  Believest  evil  hateth  the  light,  neither
     thou this?               cometh  to  the  light,  lest  bis
       (15) 2  Pet.  1:19.  We have  deeds should be reproved.
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