Page 211 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 211
een centuries might consistently have believed that the
signs were BEGINNIHG.
So we have no date for the Rapture, ONLY that it will
precede the Revelation. That is, that Christ will come for
His Church 3 before He comes with His Church, 4 the period
of the Tribulation lying between the two.
The time of the Revelation, we believe, is designated
by many prophetic periods, in Lev. 26, Daniel and Reve-
lation. But their symbolical character and our imperfect
chronology render the interpretation of them difficult and
uncertain. We must not take space here to consider them,
but we venture to state that earnest and prayerful study
of them has given us an assured conviction that they are
rapidly drawing to a close.
Two events must precede the Revelation, which will
indicate its proximity, to-wit: the Restoration (partial at
5 6
least) of Israel, and the rise of Antichrist.
(3) 1 Thes. 4:16. For the wrath, and ye shall be melted in
Lord himself shall descend from the midst thereof.
heaven, with a shout, with the 22. As silver is melted in the
voice of the archangel, and with midst of the furnace, so shall ye
the trump of God : and the dead be melted in the midst thereof ;
in Christ shall rise first; and ye shall know that I the
17. Then we that are alive, LORD have poured out my fury
that are left, shall together with upon you.
them be caught up in the clouds, (6) Zech. 13:8. And it shall
to meet the Lord in the air : come to that in all the
and so shall we ever be with the land, saith the Lord, two parti
Lord. therein shall be cut off and die-,
(4) Jude 14. And Enoch also, but the third shall be left there-
the seventh from Adam, prophe- in.
sied of these, saying, Behold, the 9. And I will bring the third
Lord cometh with ten thousand part through the flre, and will
of his saints. refine them as silver is refined,
(5) Ezek. 22:19. Therefore and will try them as gold is
thus saith the Lord GOD ; Be- tried : they shall call on my
cause ye are all become dross, name, and I will hear them : I
will say, It is my people : and
behold, therefore I will gather they shall say, The Lord is my
you into the midst of Jerusalem.
20. As they gather silver, and God.
2 Thes. 2 :7. For the mystery
brass, and iron, and lead, and of iniquity doth already work :
tin, into the midst of the only he who now letteth will
furnace, to blow the flre upon let. until he be taken out of the
to melt it; so will I gather
It, way.
you in mine anger and in my 8. And then shall that Wicked
fury, and I will leave you there, be revealed, whom the Lord shall
and melt you. consume with the spirit of his
21. Yea, I will gather you, and mouth, and shall destroy with
blow upon you in the fire of my the brightness of his coming.