Page 214 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 214

ISRAEL RETURNING.               211
       city is estimated at from 40,000 to 50,000, being more than
       half the entire population.  Besides these, there are large
       colonies at Tiberias, Safed, Joppa and Hebron, and several
       other smaller ones in various parts of the country.  The en-
       tire Jewish population of Palestine is said to be more than
       80,000,  so that a greater number have already returned
       than the 49,697 who went up with Zerubbabel from Baby-
       lon.  Ezra 2 :64-65.
         The  anti-semitic  agitations  in Germany,  Austria and
       France, and the fierce persecutions in Russia and Roumania,
       have stirred up the Jews of the world as the eagle doth
       her nest.  Deut. 32 :11.
         National hopes and aspirations have found vent in the
       organization of Chovevi Zion  (Lovers of Zion)  societies,
       and Shova Zion (colonization) societies throughout Europe
       and America.  Land is being purchased and funds raised,
       on installment plans, to send back the members by lot.
        A railroad" has been completed from Joppa, and the en-
       gine speeds up to Jerusalem like one of Nahum's "flaming
       torches," (Nahum 2, 3) which, the prophet says, "shall be
       in the day of His preparation," over the roadway which the
       Arabs call "Trek el Kods," significantly coinciding with the
       Hebrew "Derech Hakodesh"  ("Way of Holiness)  of  Isa.
         This "highway," cast up as the Hebrew "Maslol" indi-
       cates, is a special preparation for the return of the people
       to Zion.  Isa. 35:10.
         Other lines of  railway are projected or actually under
       construction to Hebron, Jericho, Acre, Tiberias and Damas-
         The Turkish hold upon the country is continually weak-
       ening, and there  is considerable talk of a Jewish  state.
       May we not conclude that the Lord  is even now setting
       "His hand 'again the second time" for the restoration of
       His people?
         (10)  Isa. 11:11.  And It shall  from Egypt, and from Pathros,
       come to pass in that day, that the  and from Gush, and from El am,
       Lord  shall  set  his hand again  an  from  Shinar,  and  from
       tne second time  to recover the  Hamath, and from the islands of
       remnant  of  his  people,  which  ^
        shall be  left, from Assyria, a&d  seft
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