Page 217 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 217
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faith and hope, shall be revealed in all its grandeur and
glory. For this Day the hearts of God's people yearn
with earnest desire.
"Watchman, what of the Night?"
"Watchman, what of the Night?"
The watchman said: "The MORNING cometh, and also
the NIGHT." Isa. 21:11-12.
To the believer it will be Morning;
To the ungodly it will be Night.
Jesus is the Morning Star, and He is also the Sun of
Righteousness. Only those who are -up early and watch-
ing see the Morning Star. So it will be only the true and
faithful church which will see Christ at the Rapture as the
Bright and Morning Star.
As the Son of Righteousness He will appear to Israel,
and all the world, at the Revelation.
Over forty centuries of the Night were past when Paul
wrote, "the Night is far spent, the Day is at hand." (Rom.
13:12). And surely, as eighteen centuries have since
passed, it must now be ALMOST MORNING.
0! then, dear reader, "let us who are of the Day, be
sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and
for an hemlet, the HOPE OF SALVATION. For God hath not
appointed us to wrath, but to obtain Salvation by our
(17) Rom. 8:24. For we are and glory at the appearing of
saved by hope : but hope that is Jesus Christ :
seen is not hope : for what a man (19) 1 Cor. 2 :9. But as it is
seeth, why doth he yet hope for? written, Eye hath not seen, nor
25. But if we hope for that we ear heard, neither have entered
see not, then do we with patience into the heart of man, the
wait for it. things which God hath prepared
(18) 1 Pet. 1 :5. Who are for them that love him.
kept by the power of God (20) Rev. 22:16. I Jesus
through faith unto salvation have sent mine angel to testify
ready to be revealed in the last unto you these things in the
time. churches. I am the root and the
6. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, offspring of David, and the
though now for a season, if need bright and morning star.
be, ye are in heaviness through Also 2 Pet. 1 :19.
manifold temptations: (21) Mai. 4:2. But unto you
7. That the trial of your that fear my name shall the Son
faith, being much more precious of righteousness arise with heal-
than of gold that perisheth, Ing in his wings ; and ye shall go
though it be tried with fire, might forth, and grow up as calves of
be found unto praise and honor the stall.