Page 218 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 218
Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thes. 5:8-9. Therefore let us not
sleep, as do others, but let us Watch and be Sober. 1 Thes.
A dear brother writes us as follows: "I find so many
who are willing to receive the truth of the Second Coming,
but it is generally those who are passing through affliction,
or those living very near the Lord. Those who are enjoying
the well watered plains of this world, seem to care very
little about seeing the Owner of the Estate. But He will
come. Hallelujah! He will come. Yes! He is coming.
The bride who knows the Bridegroom, and is true, says,
He is coming. 'Come Lord Jesus,' Come ! Come ! ! Come ! ! !
Come!!!! A poor cursed earth (Rom. 8:19-22) groans
out Come! Thank heaven, He speaks:
Eev. 22:20.
I'm waiting for Thee, Liord,
Thy beauty to see, Lord,
I'm waiting for Thee,
For Thy coming again.
Thou'rt gone over there, Lord,
A place to prepare, Lord,
Thy home I shall share
At Thy coming again.
'Mid danger and fear, Lord,
I'm oft weary here, Lord,
The time must be near
Of Thy coming again.
Whilst Thou art away, Lord,
I stumble and stray, Lord,
Oh, hasten the day
Of Thy coming again.
Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord, when he
cometh, shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that
He shall gird Himself and make them to sit down to meat,
and will come forth and. serve them. Lu. 12:37.