Page 213 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 213
Yet we have the blessed assurance that every passing
day brings our salvation nearer than when we believed.
And, while it is true that the church, during all her his-
tory, has had repeated evidence that the day was approach-
ing, we ask, what are these evidences in our time? Surely
they are of especial significance.
We believe, if we can rightly read the signs of the
times, that the godless, lawless trio of communism, nihil-
ism and anarchy, so alarmingly permeating the nations
today, are unclean spirits preparing the way for Anti-
The Jews Returning.
And, again, the Jews are, even now, returning to Jeru-
It is said that, "At the beginning of the nineteenth
century the Porte allowed no more than three hundred of
Forty years later that
the hated people to live in the city.
restriction was removed, but another still remained, by
virtue of which they were permitted only to reside in a
particular quarter of the town, which was much too small
for them. It was in the year 1867 this last regulation was
removed and since then the progress made by the Jews in
peopling their ancient capital has been extraordinary. Al-
most every one of the old houses as it fell vacant has been
bought by them while they have built a prodigious num-
ber of new ones in all parts of the town. Schools, hospitals
and religious associations have been started on a grand
scale, as also a school for manual training and of agri-
At the present time, 1908, the city of Jerusalem has
spread over a large extent of ground outside the walls.
Great hospices, hotels, churches, stores, etc., have been
erected, but most notable of all, a multitude of dwellings
for the Jews.
The number of Jews now residing in the inner and outer
shall be appear the second time high time to awake out of sleep ;
without sin unto salvation. for now is our salvation nearer
(9) Rom. 13 :11. And that, than when we believed,
knowing the time, that now it is