Page 207 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 207
her inheritance until the redemption of the purchased pos-
Oh! that we might receive "the spirit of wisdom and
revelation in the knowledge of Him" to "know what is the
hope of His calling and what the riches of the glory of His
inheritance in the saints." 1:17-18. We should not walk
"as other Gentiles walk," "but speaking the truth in love,"
grow up into Christ our living head, working together for
the "increase of the body" and edification "in love" (4:15-
17) "till we all come into the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, unto A PERFECT MAN, unto
the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." 4 :13.
That is, Christ as the head, and the Church as the body, will
make one perfect man. 24
"They twain shall be one flesh,
"the NEW MAN which is created in righteousness and true
holiness" (4:24). The true seed of the woman, which
shall bruise the serpent's head.
Wherefore, the Church is exhorted to "grieve not the
Holy Spirit of God whereby" she is "sealed unto the day
of redemption" (Eph. 4:30), but to be "kind one to an-
other, tender-hearted" (4:32), "walking in love" (5:2) "as
children of light" (5:8), "circumspectly" and "wise, re-
deeming the time" (5:15-16), "filled with the Spirit
(5:18), nourished and cherished (5:29) until sanctified and
(23) Eph. 1 :13. In whom ye 6. Wherefore they are no
also trusted, after that ye heard more twain, but one flesh. What
the word of truth, the gospel of therefore God hath joined to-
your salvation : In whom also, gether, let not man put asunder,
after that ye believed, ye were Eph 5 :31 For thlg cause
sealed with t&at Holy Spirit of shall a man leave hls fatner and
promise, mother, and shall be joined unto
14. Which Is the earnest of
hig wife> and they two ghall be
our inheritance until the redemp-
one nes jj '
tion of the purchased possession, .at I n
<*en :15. And will
< 25 >
unto the praise of his glory. f
(24) Mat 19:4 And he put enmity between thee and the
answered and said unto them, vro ^ n - and *etwee* *h ? S f* d
nd ner * eed; "
Have ye not read, that he which l ha" *ru se "7
head - and thou shalt bruise his
made them at the beginning
made them male and female,
5. And said, For this cause Rom. 16 :20. And the God of
shall a man leave father and peace shall bruise Satan under
mother, and shall cleave to his your feet shortly. The grace of
wife : and they twain shall be our Lord Jesus Christ be with
cne flesh? you. Amen.