Page 203 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 203
wrath to come." 1 Thes. 1:10. 0! that men would "seek
the Lord while He may be found," and "flee from the
wrath to come." 4
The other passage is in 2 John 7: "For many deceivers
have entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus
Christ is come (coming) in the flesh. This is a deceiver
and an Antichrist." The correct rendering of
(erkomenon) is COMING. Jesus was especially called the
"Coming One." But these deceivers denied the incarna-
tionthe coming of Christ in the flesh either past or
future. See Alford, also Jamieson, Fausset and Brown.
This, then, is of special significance. He that denies
Jesus Christ's Coining in the Flesh
is a deceiver and an Antichrist. That is, he is possessed
of the same spirit, which will ultimately find its personi-
It is lamentable that this passage has been so improper-
ly translated in our version. It is such a strong asser-
tion that Jesus is coming in the flesh, that it would doubt-
less have prevented much of the unwarrantable "spiritual-
izing" of Scripture, which has prevailed so largely.
(3) Isa. 55 :6. Seek ye the of the earth shall wail because
Lord while he may be found, of him. Even so, Amen.
call ye upon him while he is 8. I am Alpha and Omega, the
near. beginning and the ending, saith
A1 _. o _ R 9 the Lord, which is, and which
was, and which is to come, the
(4) Mat. 3:7. But when he Almighty.
saw many of the Pharisees and Rev .
Sadducees come to his baptism, 4 g ^ the four Uy _
j creatures, having each one
he said unto them O generation of them &1x wi are full flf
of vipers, who hath warned you roimd ab(mt and within
to flee from the wrath to come? and they haye no rest day anfl
(5) Mat. 11 :3. And said un- night, saying,
to him, Art thou he that com- Holyf ho , ho, fc ^
eth, or look we for another? ^^ God> the Almightyt
Heb. 10 :37. For yet a very who was and who is and
little while, he that cometh shall who is to come,
come, and shall not tarry. John 6 :14 Then those men>
Behold, he cometh when they had seen the miracle
Rev. 1 :7.
with clouds ; ana every eye shall that Jesus did, said, This Is of
see him, and they also which a truth that Prophet that should
pierced him : and all kindreds come into the world.