Page 204 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 204

ANATHEMA OR COMFORT.               201
       Jesus is coming HIMSELF at the Rapture,  to receive us
     unto HiMSELF,  and He is coming to this earth again, at
     the Revelation,  tho SAME JESUS, and in LIKE MANNER as
     He went away.*
            Lo! He comes, with clouds descending,
              Once for favored sinners slain;
            Thousand thousand saints attending,
              Swell the triumphs of His train;
              God appears on earth to reign.
       But while there is such fearful foreboding of impending
     judgment and just retribution to those who love not the
     Lord Jesus, there is, on the other hand,
                    The Sweetest Comfort
     for those who do love our Lord's appearing.
       This is apparent when we understand the true position
     of the Church. We have seen that  it  is not to be con-
     founded with the coming Kingdom, neither does it include
     the Old Testament Saints, for it was founded after Christ
     came.  10  It was begun on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2)
      *That is corporally, in the flesh.
       (6) 1  Thes.  4:16.  For  the  8. And then shall that Wicked
     Lord himself shall descend from  be revealed, whom the Lord shall
     heaven, with a  shout, with the  consume  with  the  spirit of his
     voice of the archangel, and with  mouth,  and  shall  destroy with
     the trump of God  : and the dead  the brightness of his coming :
     in Christ shall rise first ;  9. Even him, whose coming  Is
       17. Then we  that  are  alive,  after the working of Satan with
     that are left, shall together with  all power and  signs and  lying
     them be caught up in the clouds,  wonders,
     to meet the Lord  in  the  air :  10. And  with  all  deceivable-
     and  so  shall we  ever be with  ness of unrighteousness  in them
     the Lord.                that  perish  ;  because  they  re-
       18. Wherefore  comfort  one  ceived not the love of the truth,
     another with these words.  that they might be saved.
       (7) John 14:3.  And  if  I go  (9) Acts  1:11.  Which  also
     and prepare a place  for you,  I  said, Ye men  of  Galilee, why
     will come again, and receive you  stand ye gazing up into heaven?
     unto myself  ;  that where  I am,  this same Jesus, which  is taken
     there ye may be also.    up from you  into heaven,  shall
       (8) 2  Thes.  2:7.  For  the  so come  in  like manner  as ye
     mystery of iniquity doth already  have seen him go into heaven.
     work: only he who now  letteth  (10)  Mat. 16:18.  And  I say
     will  let,  until be be taken out  also  unto  thee,  That  thou  art
     of the way.              Peter, and upon this rock I will
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