Page 205 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 205
And will be complete at the Rapture. 1 Thes. 4:17. It is
like a parenthesis in God's dealing with His people, Israel.
While they are broken off because of unbelief, the Church
is grafted in.
And being a companion in suffering with her Lord,
following His example, walking in humility (Phil. 2:2-8;
1 John 2:6), during His humiliation, 14 she shall "be
counted worthy" of the greatest blessing in her exaltation
with Him. 16
The Bride of Christ.
Jesus is the Bridegroom, and the Church is His Brides.
John the Baptist stood as the last representative of the
Mosaic dispensation. He said, "I am not the Christ. . . .
build my church ; and the gates judgment of God, that ye may
of bell shall not prevail against be counted worthy of the king-
It dom of God, for which ye also
(11) Rom. 11:17. And if suffer.
some of the branches be broken Rom. 8:17. And if children,
off, and thou, being a wild olive then heirs ; heirs of God, and
tree, wert grafted in among joint heirs with Christ; if so be
them, and with them partakest that we suffer with him, that we
of the root and fatness of the may be also glorified together.
olive tree. (16) Phil. 2:5. Let this
(12) Acts 5:41. And they de- mind be in you, which was also
parted from the presence of the in Christ Jesus :
council, rejoicing that they were 6. Who, being in the form of
counted worthy to suffer shame God, thought it not robbery to
for his name. be equal with God:
Phil. 1 :29. For unto you it 7. But made himself of no rep-
is given in the behalf of Christ, utation, and took upon him the
not only to believe on him, but form of a servant, and was made
also to suffer for his sake. in the likeness of men :
Also Heb. 10:34. 8. And being found in fashion
(13) John 13:15. For I have as a man, he humbled himself,
given you an example, that ye and became obedient unto death,
should do as I have done to you. even the death of the cross.
1 Pet. 2 :21. For even here- 9. Wherefore God also hath
unto were ye called : because highly exalted him, and given
Christ also suffered for us, leav- him a name which is above every
ing us an example, that ye name :
should follow his steps : 10. That at the name of Jesus
(14) Acts 8:33. In his' hu- every knee should bow, of things
miliation his judgment was taken in heaven, and things in earth,
away : and who shall declare his and things under the earth ;
generation? for his life la taken 11. And that every tongue
from the earth. should confess that Jesus Christ
(15) 2 Thes. 1:5. Which is is Lord, to the glory of God the
a manifest token of the righteous Father.