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Version September 7, 2020
MED 6277: Issues in Northern,
Rural and Remote Health in
Course Outline - Online
Fall 2020
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer M. Shea
Phone: 709-864-3374
Office: 4M107
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to explore health and healthcare from the unique perspective of northern,
rural and remote communities in Canada and how Canadian public policy, and rural health policy,
research and practice is developed, implemented and evaluated.
At the successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical, policy and methodological issues in the
area of northern, rural and remote health and healthcare.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, definitions and popular perceptions of rural,
isolated and remote communities and how these definitions influence policy, research,
practice, decision-making and outcomes.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the complex relationship between rural life and for special
populations. To explore the concepts of underserved and marginalization with a particular
focuses on how these affect special populations living in rural areas. Issues of race, ethnicity,
culture, gender, disabilities, sexual orientation, employment, education in a rural context will
be examined.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles of some of the methodological
and ethical challenges associated with conducting research in rural communities.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of institutions, key stakeholders and values in the
development, implementation and evaluation of rural health policy; rural policy development.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of the health of Canada’s Indigenous peoples and challenges
of delivering health services to this diverse population;
7. Identify and discuss the unique challenges faced by rural communities with a particular focus
on how the broad determinants of health and access to traditional health services influence
the health status of rural peoples;
8. Critically review the factors that influence how rural economies, environmental factors and
social networks contribute to the health status of rural communities.