Page 17 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 17


            the Moon Landscape, and the desert dune belt between   offers kayaking, angling, marine tours, bird watching
            Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. The second park is a por-  etc. Within the conservancies, national and private
            tion of the Namib-Naukluft Park which lies within the   game parks, game viewing safaris, rock climbing, hik-
            southern part of the Erongo Region and boasts several   ing, and visits to heritage sites such as the Spitzkoppe
            flora and fauna. While there are several private parks in   bald granite peaks or inselbergs are on offer. (Erongo
            the region, the largest of these parks is the Erindi Game   Regional council, 2021). Communities living within the
            Reserve, which is home to 20 000 animals (Erongo Re-  conservancies provide tourists with cultural tourism,
            gional Council, 2021). Some of the major tourist attrac-  where the visitors can experience the traditional way
            tions in the Erongo Region include the desert dunes of   of life of the community.
            Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, the two RAMSAR birds’
            sites of Walvis Bay and Sandwich harbour, the Skeleton
            coast and its shipwrecks, seal colonies and generally   2.4.3  Accommodation
            fascinating desert plants. The Spitzkoppe and Brandberg
            mountains are rock climbers’ and hikers’ havens. It is   Within the coastal towns of Swakopmund, Walvis
            also enriched with fascinating rock paintings that add   and Henties bay there are over 3,000 accommodation
            an aspect of heritage tourism to the region. The Brand-  facilities ranging from four-star beach and city hotels,
            berg mountain is a spiritual site of great significance   guest houses, Airbnbs, rest camps, private holiday
            to the San (Bushman) tribes. It is also home to a large   homes, etc.  Accommodation within the National and
            diversity of wildlife and draws huge numbers of tourists   private Game Parks as well as within the conservancies
            yearly. Within the several parks and desert landscapes,   ranges from 5-star lodges to rest camps. The region has
            several large animals are found and these include; ele-  accommodation facilities to cater for different types of
            phants, lions, rhinos, hippos and leopards.        tourists.

            Community tourism                                  2.4.4  Accessibility
            The Erongo Region is a haven of community-based
            tourism which supports local communities such as   The ease with which tourists are able to reach a des-
            the Topnaar community living along the banks of the   tination plays an important role in the success and
            Kuiseb River and whose survival is dependent on the   growth of a destination. Walvis Bay has an interna-
            natural environment, and to whom resilience and sus-  tional airport that allows direct international flights
            tainability is key to future survival and sustenance of   connection to the region. Other smaller airstrips ac-
            their livelihoods.  The Topnaar community’s tradition-  commodate small charter flights between the region to
            al way of life and culture offers the tourist a unique   other attractions within the region and to other des-
            tourism experience.                                tinations within Namibia. The region has a good road
                                                               network connecting it to all other parts of the region
                                                               and the country as a whole. It is also accessible by sea
            Conservancies                                      with the harbour facilities at the port of Walvis Bay.
            There are numerous conservancies within the Erongo
            Region which spur community-based tourism and
            bring in a significant number of hunters, hence gen-  2.4.5  Amenities
            erating income for several communities. Some of the
            conservancies include the Otjimboyo and Ohungu of   Broadly defined, amenities are those facilities that
            the Ugab River valley and the Tsiseb conservancy near   complement the attraction, make it easy for the
            the Brandberg mountain and its famous white lady   tourists to visit and enhance their holiday experi-
            rock painting.                                     ence.  These include tour operators, car hire services,
                                                               hotels, tourism information, etc. Other amenities at
                                                               the destination that enhance the tourist experience
            2.4.2  Activities                                  include clean and sheltered beaches. Included also are
                                                               public offices that directly or indirectly contribute to
            Activities within a destination enhances tourism expe-  the smooth functioning of the destination. Among
            riences. In Erongo, the desert dunes of Swakopmund   them are the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and
            and Walvis Bay provide activities such as quad biking   Tourism, the Namibia Wildlife Resorts and the Erongo
            over the dunes, dune climbing and sand boarding. The   Regional Council.
            Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and Henties bay coastline

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