Page 15 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 15


            2.3  Relevant source markets and visitor profile

            Namibia is a key tourist destination, receiving visitors   people (Figure 4). The number of foreign tourist arriv-
            from the region and from other continents as well.   als increased, for example, from 1.3 million visitors in
            Data for tourist arrivals, while available at the national   2012 to approximately 1.6 million visitors in 2017 – a
            scale, is very scarce at sub-national levels. Hence it is   sustained yearly increase of between 2.4-3.1 percent
            difficult to indicate how many tourists visit the Erongo   over the six-year period. In 2018, the tourist arrivals
            Region. This section will therefore primarily focus on   increased to 1.65 million and to 1.68 million by the end
            the tourist visitor data for the country. Prior to 2020,   of 2019 (Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism,
            the country’s yearly visitors would exceed 1 million   2019).

            Figure 4: Number of Visitors to Namibia

             1500000                                      1574149  1608018  1659762  1681336

                            1300439  1372602  1477593  1519618



                                                                                        192026  270644

                         2012    2013    2014   2015   2016    2017   2018    2019    2020   2021   2022F

                                                                        Note. Copyright by the Ministry of Environment & Tourism.

            In 2017, the majority of the country’s visitors came   Africa, 15.5 percent from Europe, 2.1 percent from
            from within the African continent (78.3%) while other   North America and 3.3 percent from others -including
            important source markets included Europe (19.9%),   Asia, indicating the increasing importance of Africa as
            North America (2.5%) and others -including Asia (3.7%)   a tourist source market for the country.
            (Figure 5). By 2019, 79.1 percent were coming from

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