Page 19 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 19


            2.5.1  The public sector                           utilisation of the country’s living natural resources for
                                                               the benefit of all Namibians, both present and in the
            The government is important in directing functions   future. The ministry achieves its aims through mul-
            and providing legislative frameworks and guidance   tiple directorates such as the Directorate of Tourism
            so that activities in the sector are coordinated. This is   and Gaming (DTG) whose mission is to develop a sus-
            especially critical for growth and sustainability, eco-  tainable and responsible tourism industry that con-
            nomically, socially, and environmentally. Central to   tributes significantly to the economic development
            the governance of the tourism sector is thus the Min-  of Namibia. There are several other tourism bodies in
            istry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT)   operation as recommended by the National Sustain-
            whose role is to institute and promote policies that   able Tourism Growth and Development Strategy to
            maintain ecological ecosystems and protect the bio-  aid in good governance of the tourism industry in the
            logical diversity of Namibia as well as the sustainable   country (Table 1).

            Table 1:  National and Regional Government Tourism Bodies in Namibia

              NO    TOURISM BODY        OBJECTIVE

              1     Inter-Ministerial   The overall objective of the Inter-Ministerial Clusters on Tourism Development
                    Clusters on Tourism   is for the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to meet with the
                    Development         identified clusters to deliberate on tourism-related matters  The clusters will
                                        aim to harmonise different Government policies in regard to tourism and eradicate
                                        the factors that hinder tourism growth and development

              2     National Tourism    The overall objective of the NTCAC is to make the Namibia tourism industry
                    Competitiveness     competitive and effective through consultation with both governmental and
                    Advisory Council    non-governmental agencies  The council will aim to harmonise different
                                        Government policies in regard to tourism and eradicate the factors that are
                                        hindering tourism growth and development

              3     Regional Tourism    The main objective of the Regional Tourism Forums is to oversee tourism
                    Forums              development and economic growth and to ensure the geographic spread of
                                        the benefits of tourism in the regions

            Other critical state-owned enterprises under the MEFT   all these stakeholders are governed through their
            include the Namibian Tourism Board, the Namibian   membership to associations that guard their interests
            Wildlife Resorts, the Zambezi Water Front, and the   and sometimes even regulate their operations. These
            Windhoek Country Club and Casino.                  associations include the Federation of Namibian Tour-
                                                               ism Associations (FENATA) a voluntary organisation
                                                               for Namibian Tourism Associations that comprises all
            2.5.2  The private sector                          the different autonomous associations, organisations,
                                                               non-profit making organisations, directly or indirect-
            While the national government provides the overall   ly involved in tourism. There is also the Hospitality
            legal frameworks, direction and guidance to the gov-  Association of Namibia (HAN) which represents the
            ernance of the tourism industry in the country, there   full spectrum of the hospitality industry, and the Tour
            are also many other structures that are critical to the   and Safari Association of Namibia (TASA) which is a
            smooth operation of a sector dominated by numerous   voluntary private-sector body that acts on behalf of its
            small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) such as   members to encourage the development of responsi-
            guest farms, game reserves, accommodation establish-  ble tourism in Namibia. This association also ensures
            ments, food and beverage establishments, small craft   that standards in the sector are adhered to and that
            owners, shuttle services and tour guides. Generally,   there is reliability in the Namibian tourism industry.

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