Page 18 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 18
2.5 Governance structures
Tourism is a sector with a complex web of interrela- in the “tourism system” in order to establish syner-
tionships between actors and agents involved in the gies. There are three main actors in the governance
production of goods and services for tourists. There is structures of tourism in Namibia namely: the public
therefore a critical need for these interrelationships sector, the private sector, and non-governmental or-
to be managed properly, professionally and efficiently ganizations (NGOs). In addition to these, however, the
for the success of the sector. Such management gen- complexity of the tourism systems is such that many
erally focuses on providing direction and guidance in other multiple players are also directly or indirectly
the destination areas. Governance, in the context of involved to varying degrees in the governance of the
the tourist industry, entails a process of coordinating tourism sector.
actions among the public, corporate, and social actors
Figure 6: Tourism Governance Structures
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Namibia Tourism Board
UNWTO Regional Councils
Regional Program for Africa
Regional Tourism Forum
National Planning Municipalities Coordinating Boards
Cluster for Tourism
Ministry of Environment,
Forestry and Tourism National Tourism
Competitiveness Advisory Council
Conservancies and Associations of Tourism
community members NGOs organisations
Tourism private sector
Tourists Tourism employees
World institutions
Regional institutions, national institutions and other tourism industry stakeholders
Note. Copyright 2022 by Mary-Ellen Kimaro.