Page 31 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
P. 31

Resource   Estimates Per   initiative  -  -  -  -  -  -  7 200 000  183 200 000  4 200 000 000   -  27 000 000   -

                         Responsible   Division  All PVCs  AFRM  AFRM  All PVCs  All PVCs  AFRM  AFRM  AFRM  AFRM  AFRM  All PVCs  AA

                          Strategic  Initiatives Reengineer and synchronise business processes  Institute resource governance procedures  to ensure smooth business operations in the  Ensure adherence to the resource governance  procedures to ensure smooth business   Institute and implement leadership  development and change management Review and update policies to address current   Engage partners in bureaucratic legal   Ensure capacity building in specialised fields Impr

                                throughout UNAM  institution  operations in the institution  challenges  procurement processes  safety at all campuses  campus guide plans

                           2022-2024       13                      75%            7                  First-stream income refers to government subsidy. The figures are based on the medium-term expenditure framework period, though the actual allocation might be different, and this is the total income over

                        Targets  2019-2021  13                     70%            6.5                    2    Second-stream income refers to tuition and hostel fees. This is the amount expected to be received in three years, based on 6% increase per annum.  3    Third  -stream income refers to research, consultancy and sundry income. This is the amount expected to be received in three years, based on 6% increase per annum.

                           Base year 2018  1                       56%            6.08

          UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA  Measure/KPI  Number of priority   risks managed   effectively  Customer   satisfaction rating   Staff productivity   rate

          27             Strategic   Objectives         Improve   Administrative   Management       Notes  1    three years.
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36