Page 27 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
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measures (KPIs), targets and initiatives; thus, confirming that our scorecard will be the tool for ensuring measurement and monitoring of progress
                           towards realising the set strategic targets (performance level). It is important to note that the execution of our strategy will be realised through a
                      Our scorecard communicates what we commit to accomplish. All 20 strategic objectives (key performance areas) are listed with the corresponding
                                                  Resource   Estimates Per   initiative  6 000 000

                                                         -    -    -   -          -      -     -      -     -
                                                   Responsible   Division  AFRM  VCMC  VCMC  VCMC  AFRM  AFRM  AFRM  All PVCs   All PVCs  AFRM

                                                     Strategic Initiatives               services and pass on to end users, to ensure cost
                                              STRATEGIC THEME: INSTITUTIONAL SUSTAINABILITY
                                                         Align the budget to strategy  organisational structure to strategy  reporting Coordinate the development and   system to individual levels  student enrolment  efficiency of operations  income  increase fourth-stream income  determination of liabilities
                                                             Facilitate the review and alignment of the  Implement quarterly divisional management   implementation of divisional management plans Ensure full rollout of performance management  Engage government to link funding with the  number of research outputs, programmes and  Determine the cost of all programmes and   Strengthen the supervision of research and  consultancy initiatives to increase third-stream  Strengthe

                                                     2022-2024                  2 737 627 839   2 500 000 000  200 000 000

                                                              100%        100%                        8 879 000  0.5

                                                  Targets  2019-2021            2 737 627 839  2 100 000 000  169 000 000

                                                              85%         75%                         3 550 000  1

                                                     Base year  2018  -   67%   1 010 000 000  631 000 000  50 000 000  -  1.02

          UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA 7.  UNAM SCORECARD MATRIX  cascading process.  SCORECARD MATRIX  Table 3: Scorecard matrix  Measure/KPI  % of funded   strategic   objectives  Strategy   performance rate  Amount of first-  stream income 1  Amount of   second-stream   income 2  Amount of third-  stream income 3  Amount of fourth-   stream income  Total liabilities/  Total assets

          25                        7.1            Strategic   Objectives  Improve Strategic   and Financial   Planning  Increase Revenue
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32