Page 22 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
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intercultural skills. UNAM will also make available 5.5.3 Strengthen institutional research and
competencies, resources and innovative abilities business intelligence
under a recognisable brand, not only in terms Data is one of the most important intellectual
of services rendered, but also for recognition in property assets of any institution. The University
global ranking, thereby enabling international
involvement and investment in human resources, will continue to commit resources to institutional
capital and infrastructure development. Through research and business intelligence, to increase and
strengthen its capacity for decision-making and
internationalisation, UNAM will enhance global
awareness of staff and students, thus enhancing process efficiency. UNAM will create an enabling
its educational systems, research and innovation environment for the acceleration and improvement
through collaborations and partnerships. Research of decision-making, by optimising internal processes
information and innovation activities will also and increasing efficiency within the organisation.
become international investment opportunities.
5.5.4 Strengthen relations with strategic
The expected strategic outcome of this theme is a partners
university with a timeous and responsive institutional Our vision is tailored to contribute, directly or
planning system that provides evidence for
decision-making. This outcome includes improved indirectly, to national goals and Vision 2030.
international networking, and communication Over the years, UNAM has developed a wide
that attracts international investment in order to range of mutually beneficial partners with
achieve the objectives, ideals and aspirations set strategic collaborators that share the same goals
for the institution, including its ranking profile. This and values of contributing to national goals.
theme has the following six strategic objectives. Therefore, the University will continue to develop
and strengthen relations with its pool of strategic
partners, to continue contributing to national
5.5.1 Strengthen UNAM brand and corporate development goals.
The UNAM image has grown massively over 5.5.5 Improve the ranking of University
the past years, evidenced by considerable
international recognition and leading to the The University will improve its ranking through quality
signing of hundreds of memorandums of publications: journal articles will have high citation
understanding with national and international indexes and high impact factor indexes. Our ranking
partners. UNAM has witnessed a growth aspirations will, furthermore, be achieved through
trajectory in attracting international professionals a multidimensional perspective on university
and scholars, and looks set to maximise its brand performance in terms of attracting international
and corporate image in this regard. students and academics and promoting curricular
competitiveness and collaborations. The University
is determined to emphasise data integrity and
5.5.2 Improve academic and administration centralisation for international ranking purposes.
Academic and administration planning is a 5.5.6 Improve internationalisation
key aspect that will ensure the continuous
and sustainable operation of the University. In today’s age of increasingly globalised
The corporate plan espouses strategies and knowledge and technology, multiculturalism
desired outcomes for the institution at divisional and interconnected social networks of global
levels, along with progress review practices and awareness are increasingly viewed as major
changes in management policies. It includes and sought-after assets, which increase the
establishing an efficient resource utilisation international standing of universities. UNAM will
plan that will guide programme development increase enrolment through the exchange of staff
processes, space allocation and capital project and students, promoting research collaboration
development. This is one of the initiatives the and employing skilled expatriates. The University
University is committed to for improving and will address global challenges through fostering
integrating academic and administrative international partnerships and participating in
planning. international projects and programmes.