Page 17 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
P. 17
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2024 17
Table 1: Themes, strategic objectives and strategic issues
Improve administrative management Poor ethics and organisational culture
Weak operational processes and systems
Inadequate technologies to aid processes and
management systems
Under performance of staff members
Institutional Sustainability Improve strategic and financial planning Bureaucratic procurement processes
Outdated institutional structure
Inadequate safety and security
Uncoordinated implementation of strategy
Lack of alignment of the organisational structure to strategy
Improve corporate governance
Absence of a leadership development programme
Increasing cost of service delivery
Improve financial management Insufficient institutional governance measures in place
Increase revenue Poor economic performance
Reliance on first-stream income (government subsidy)
Declining government subsidy
Improve the quality of teaching and the Aging and inadequate infrastructure and facilities.
wider student learning experience
Education and Graduate Employability Strengthen strategic relationships with High workload and overloaded curriculum
Insufficient human capital in certain academic areas
Low completion rate
Insufficient WIL
business, industry and key stakeholders
Insufficient space to cater for the high enrolment
Improve ODL
Insufficient electronic learning resources
Insufficient financial resources allocated to ODL
Strengthen relations with strategic Continuing changing demand from industry and
partners stakeholders
Strengthen institutional research and Lack of Business Intelligence system
Institutional Planning and Internationalisation planning rules and procedures
business intelligence
Inadequate implementation of governance processes,
Improve academic and administrative
Competition from other universities
High number of qualifying student applications
Poor quality of prospective student intakes
Strengthen UNAM brand and corporate
Poor visibility of UNAM and participation at events
Improve internationalisation of the Lack of representation outside the country
Improve the ranking of University Competitive institutional ranking environment
Strengthen sustainable community
Insufficient engagement of communities in social project
Community Engagement, Environmental Sustainability and Social Relevance Improve social relevance and increase Absence of research framework to monitor research
strategic social projects
Strengthen mechanisms for climate
change mitigation and adaptation
Translational Research, Innovation and Enterprise Development Increase funding for research and Inadequate funding for research and innovation
Weak marketing of research and innovation outputs
Commercialise research and innovation
Low research output
Improve productive capacity for
research and innovation