Page 16 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
P. 16
Having agreed on the desired future state environmental scan were clustered. The themes
of the institution, its vision was split into were derived from a cluster of strategic issues
five strategic themes, namely, Institutional and objectives contained in the SWOT analysis
Sustainability, Translational Research, Innovation from the environmental scan. Below are the five
and Enterprise Development, Education high-level strategic themes, with associated
and Graduate Employability, Community strategic objectives to be accomplished.
Engagement, Environmental Sustainability and
Social Relevance, and Institutional Planning In Table 1, the strategic issues are clustered
and Internationalisation. These themes broadly according to their relatedness. In the final
represent our “pillars of excellence”; they define analysis, five themes emerged, namely,
the major strategic thrusts we shall pursue to Institutional Sustainability, Education and
achieve our vision. They affect all four balanced Graduate Employability, Institutional Planning
scorecard perspectives (financial, customer, and Internationalisation, Community
internal process, organisational capacity). Engagement, Environmental Sustainability and
For purposes of validating our approach, the Social Relevance and Translational Research,
strategic issues from the SWOT analysis in the Innovation and Enterprise Development.