Page 21 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
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STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2024   21

            university through teaching, training,  learning,   teleconferencing capacities and strategic social
            research and its innovative capacity, UNAM  projects nationwide, and occupies a central role in
            is able to make a meaningful contribution to  the social stratum of the country – not only through
            the development of communities within and  disseminating knowledge and creating awareness,
            beyond  Namibian  borders. For  this  reason,  the  but equally  by  applying resources  at  its  disposal
            University commits to enter into collaborations  strategically to the mutual benefit of collaborations
            and partnerships  that are aimed at building  with national and international partners, which
            and exchanging knowledge, skills, expertise and  make an impact, even in faraway communities.
            resources with other universities, as well as other
            key stakeholders and customers, particularly        5.4.3  Strengthen mechanisms for climate
            government, staff, students and the community.            change mitigation and adaptation

            Furthermore, UNAM will strive for social relevance   UNAM is part of the global community that
            in the community, by deploying scholarly          holds the view that innovative mechanisms for
            expertise and resources to engage with            climate change mitigation and adaptation
            communities within the context of reciprocal      should,  now more than ever, be  at the centre
            engagement and collaborative partnerships.        of research. Our institutional environment is the
                                                              best setup to contribute to such an effort through
            The expected strategic outcome for this theme     research and innovation. The University has the
            is that UNAM will contribute to the creation of a   necessary human competence to make a global
            responsive and accountable society that is guided   contribution to finding scientific solutions and
            by moral, economic and social imperatives,        reducing  vulnerabilities  resulting  from climate
            and which ascribes to the fundamental tenets      change effects.
            of lifelong learning, knowledge creation and
            community empowerment.  This theme has the        Through   advanced      scientific  technologies
            following three strategic objectives.             and research capabilities, UNAM will promote
                                                              and support contributive efforts of the clean
                                                              development mechanism, Reducing Emissions
               5.4.1  Strengthen sustainable community        from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD).
                    engagement                                The University will also be engaged through
            UNAM will take stakeholders’ aspirations into  other internationally recognised, legally binding
            account during design, development and  obligations and initiatives, such as the formulation
            delivery of envisaged programmes. The University  and implementation of policies, monitoring and
            will, furthermore, ensure that knowledge creation,  evaluation of climate change periodic reports
            production, applicability and practicality are key  and development of climate change response
            to sustainable community engagement.              plans; and it will promote and cooperate in the
                                                              development, application, diffusion and transfer of
                                                              greenhouse gas emission mitigation technologies,
               5.4.2  Improve social relevance and increase   practices and processes, support research and
                    strategic social projects
                                                              systematic observation organisations, networks and
            With its 12 fully fledged university campuses and  programmes on climate change, and develop
            regional centres across the country, UNAM performs  and implement education, training and public
            strategic functions in the development of Namibia  awareness programmes on climate change.
            and, as such, it physically transforms the surrounding
            environments, neighbourhoods, cities and regions  5.5    INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING AND
            through modern, state-of-the-art investments,            INTERNATIONALISATION
            construction, landscaping upgrades and social
            networking capacity which create employment  Current        global   markets    emphasise    that
            opportunities, support the service industry and   graduates of higher learning institutions must
            sustain local economic development.               have intercultural skills to be able to interact
                                                              globally. UNAM will incorporate intercultural and
            UNAM  is  endowed  with the necessary  social  international dimensions into the curriculum and
            networking connections, information infrastructure,  teaching, research and extracurricular activities
            technical   know-how,    corporate   reputation,  to help students to develop international and
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