Page 9 - UNAM Strategic Plan 2019-2024
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STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2024 9
than 11 years to achieve this vision. We shall internal process, and organisational capacity.
become a University that is internationally Golden threads are established through the
robust and resilient, one that is anchored process of clustering all strategic issues in a
on our values, so as to support and enable SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
national development. and threats) analysis; by doing so, all issues
identified in the environmental scan will be
How shall we achieve our University vision, addressed through the balanced scorecard
mission and strategy? We shall do so matrix. The scorecard matrix contains all 20
based on the University’s five key strategic objectives, 54 key performance indicators
themes, which are Institutional Sustainability, (KPIs), performance targets, and 111 strategic
Translational Research, Innovation and initiatives and financial resource estimates,
Enterprise Development, Education and to the value of N$ 4.5 billion. The strategy is
Graduate Employability, Community summarised in a strategy map. The monitoring
Engagement, Environmental Sustainability and evaluation of the plan will be integrated
and Social Relevance, and Institutional into the performance management system.
Planning and Internationalisation. Individually
and collectively, we must now future-pace To this end, the corporate strategic objectives
ourselves and imagine how UNAM will look will be cascaded into three-year divisional
by 2030. We will work together to reduce business plans. The divisional plans will be
the burden of climate change, by making cascaded into annual management plans.
the necessary adjustments to the way we Deans and directors will provide strategic
conduct business. Our institutional values are feedback on the progress of their initiatives to
an integral part of this effort. the pro vice chancellors (PVCs) every month.
Our operations at faculty and directorate levels
The strategic themes are our pillars of will be geared to realise specific objectives
excellence and, thus, define the high-level in academic faculties and centres and
strategic thrusts the institution will pursue to administrative directorates. The achievement
achieve its vision. They affect all four balanced of these objectives will contribute to divisional
scorecard perspectives – financial, customer, success.
Individually and collectively, we must now future-pace
ourselves and imagine how UNAM will look by 2030. We
will work together to reduce the burden of climate change, by
making the necessary adjustments to the way
we conduct business. Our institutional values are
an integral part of this effort.