Page 44 - EDUCON 2022 Book of Abstracts
P. 44
2030, the basic education curriculum was changed, and the
implementation started in 2015.
Aim: This paper identifies challenges experienced by educators in
Ompundja Circuit with the implementation of the newly revised basic
education curriculum and develops a model framework to enhance
successful implementation of the revised basic education curriculum
in Ompundja Circuit.
Methodology: A qualitative research design is adopted to collect a
sample of five purposively selected school principals.
Recommendations: This study suggests some interventions to
address the constraints related to the teacher-learner ratio. Staffing
norms practice of needs to be re-looked at to take out the burden
resulting from the teacher-learner ratio.
Conclusions: The study concludes that there are structural, cultural,
and agential constrains that could hinder the successful
implementation of revised curriculum in schools in Ompundja Circuit.
Keywords: interventions; curriculum implementation; challenges;
social realist; schools
7. Josua L.M., & Hilongwa, L., Peripherisation of indigenous
languages in distance education senior secondary teacher training:
a Case of the University of Namibia
Background: Since the advent of western education in Africa, there
has been unchallenged epistemicide, linguicide and cult of indigenous
language teaching in the education systems and Namibia is no
Aim: The purpose of this study was to bring forth the contribution
distance teacher’s training had made in preserving indigenous
languages through education. The study finds out what the
contribution towards the pedagogy of indigenous languages in
Namibian senior secondary school curriculum is, evaluates the effect