Page 71 - EDUCON 2022 Book of Abstracts
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recommendations to improve teaching and learning in the Junior
Primary phase.
Method: The study used a generic qualitative research method to
collect data and analyse data. The target population of the study
comprised of 12 Junior Primary teachers from 4 different schools.
Three teachers from each school were sampled purposefully to
participate in the study. The instrument used to collect data was a
Google Form. Data was analysed using qualitative and quantitative
data analysis strategies.
Results: The study revealed that over-crowded classroom poses a
threat to the teaching and learning process in Junior Primary
classrooms. Challenges cited were lack of teaching and learning
resources for each the learner, disciplinary problems such as noise
making and disruption of teaching and other learners’ learning,
teachers’ workload, classroom management and time management.
Implication: This study implies that the Ministry of Basic Education,
Art, and Culture must investigate the teacher: learner ratios in the
Junior Primary Phase. The Ministry may appoint assistant teachers to
render support in overcrowded classrooms when there are not physical
and financial resources for the appointment of qualified teachers.
Conclusion: To conclude, over-crowded classroom affects the
teaching and learning process. It affects the management of the
classroom and increases workload on teachers.
Key words: over-crowded; strategies; classroom management;
9. Luwango, L., Mangundu, A. F. & Karupu, E., Analysing grade 4
learners’ mathematics exercise books in pursuit of quality basic
Background: Early Mathematics education impacts learners’ progress
and performance in subsequent grades. An analysis of learners’