Page 57 - NEWEST MILK (TRANSLATION) - New chapters included - word. (1)-konverteret_Specific
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says, carefully taking the string aside. Mitchel stands as petrified and looks on,
Then he says. "For God's sake, let's hope there is something in the letters that we
can use to move forward." Karin looks at him seriously, she says. "Something has
happened there, there is no doubt about it, the word bunkers as he writes is seri-
ous, they have been involved in something or other it is our task to find out what,
as soon as possible" They count a total of 20 identical letters all with the inscrip-
tion-NOTE followed by a number. With eager hands, Karin opens a random letter
in the pile, unfolds it, and reads aloud. NOTE NUMBER 44- BY GALLERY OWNER
- UNO HINTERGLAUB. May 1938 Munich. To those concerned. I'm sitting in my
room on Kräsen's main farm. Somewhere a little south west of the small town of
Augsburg. Outside, spring is well on its way, it was also yesterday and the day
before yesterday, and the farmers, the stable men, the milkmaids behave exactly
as they do yesterday and the day before yesterday and I do the same. life flour-
ishes as if nothing has changed for them who live out here it is as if the war does
not exist, (Which I find strange and repulsive) I can not find out if people tacitly
support what is going on, if they are so expanded that they do not they care, or
they have simply closed their eyes to the realities. I do not suffer physically nor
financially but I suffer in the awareness that I am trapped and the work I do is as
close to decidedly forced labor as it can get, I just get paid for it. But I know I am
a prisoner, not trapped as in a prison
el but Caught IN TIME -I see the greatest works of the best artists, but I can not
enjoy it .The pain is too great .They are stolen from the vultures of insane people
who have no idea what values they have to do .Just like in goes and the day be-
fore yesterday I feel guilty, as with -criminator-even though I am innocent. Uno
Hinterglaub. "What does it mean " Exclaims Mitchel after she has finished read-
ing. "Look here " She says, pointing to the bottom of the letter, which says in very
small letters and almost illegible writing. In case they need to contact me, it will
be at my private address or by phone, as:
Gallery Hinterglaub is temporarily closed, Hinterglaub. Phone ######
Address: Friedrichstraße 45 3 TH Berlin Oranienburg