Page 7 - RS&A Benefits Enrollments Guide
P. 7

Medical & Prescription Drug Plan

                                       Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC
                                                       Group# 068677

                                                                             Blue Options HSA Compatible
                                                                                    Transitional Plan
                Benefit Highlights

                                                                                In-Network Member Pays

                Primary Care Physician Copay                                        Deductible then 50%
                Specialist Office Visit Copay                                       Deductible then 50%

                Preventive Care Visits                                                100% Covered
                Emergency Room Services (waived if admitted)                        Deductible then 50%

                Urgent Care Center Copay                                            Deductible then 50%
                Inpatient Hospital & Professional Charges                           Deductible then 50%
                Outpatient Facility & Physician Charges                             Deductible then 50%

                Prescription Drugs                                                  Deductible then 50%

                Individual Annual Deductible                                             $ 3,000

                Individual Annual Coinsurance Maximum                                    $ 2,000
                Individual Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                  $ 5,000
                Family Annual Deductible                                                 $ 7,000

                Family Annual Coinsurance Maximum                                        $ 1,000
                Family Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                      $ 8,000

               *On HSA plans, those with any coverage other than Employee Only, must meet the total family
               deductible before any benefits are payable.

               Deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums are accumulated on a plan year basis running from April 1
               through March 31  of each year.

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