Page 8 - RS&A Benefits Enrollments Guide
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Health Reimbursement Account

               Provided by ProBenefits

               The Health Reimbursement Account is an additional benefit that is fully funded by RS&A that assists
               with the deductible and out-of-pocket expenses for those enrolled in the medical plan with BCBSNC.
               This benefit is provided by Pro Benefits, Inc.
                     For those with employee only coverage, RS&A /HRA will reimburse after the employee satisfies
                       the first $2,000 of the deductible. The HRA will pay the last $1,000 of the $3,000 individual
                       deductible and the whole $2,000 of co-insurance for a total of $3,000. The individual has an
                       exposure of $2,000.
                     For those with self plus dependent(s) coverage, RS&A/HRA will reimburse after the first $5,000
                       of the deductible is met, and all of the $1,000 co-insurance for a total of $3,000. The self plus
                       dependent(s) have an exposure of $5,000.

               Please note that ProBenefits will need a copy of your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from BCBSNC as
               services are incurred during the 2018 plan year.  The deductible information included on the EOB will
               allow ProBenefits to track how much you have paid toward the deductible.
               Reimbursement forms can be accessed via the link below:
               Please fax completed forms to ProBenefits at 1-877-329-3539.
               For detailed information on this benefit, please consult your HRA summary plan description.

                                      Health Savings Account

               Provided by Allegacy Federal Credit Union

               If enrolled in the medical plan through RS&A, this health savings account gives you the ability to pay for
               eligible expenses with tax-free money.

               · The maximum amount of money for 2018 that can be put in your HSA for an individual is $3,450 and
                   for a family is $6,850.
               · This is not use it or lose it.  Monies in the HSA will roll over year to year.
               · HSA catch up:  For HSA holders age 55 or older an extra $1,000 can be deposited any time during the
                   year in which the participant turns 55.
               · You are allowed to contribute the entire year’s limit whenever you first become eligible for the HSA
                   (even if that is in December).   However, you must remain eligible for at least 12 months after that
                   date, or you will be subject to taxes and penalties on the amount you contributed.

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