Page 12 - FY21_LawsonAcademy_FacultyHandbook
P. 12
Gifts and Favors
No employee shall solicit or accept for personal use, or for the use of others, any gift, favor, loan,
gratuity, reward, promise of future employment, or any other thing of monetary value that might
influence, or appear to influence, the judgment or conduct of the employee in the performance of
their job.
Employees are not to give, offer or promise directly or indirectly anything of value to any
representative of a customer, a potential customer, a vendor or potential vendor, financial
institution or potential financial institution with whom The Lawson Academy has or may have a
business relationship.
Behavior - Classroom behavior by teacher should be a priority of teaching by example.
Proper language, gestures, emotional control and mannerisms should be a role model for students.
1. Maintain a professional barrier between you and students. You are the adult, the teacher
and the professional. (Remember you are not one of the students)
2. Refer students to the appropriate resource person for counseling and or discussion of
private matters involving the student.
3. Refrain from discussing your personal life or personal matters with the students. Do not
discuss your husband, wife, or personal matters with students.
4. Refrain from transporting students in your personal vehicle. If you do transport student(s)
you must have administrative and parental permission. A copy of your vehicle insurance
information must also be submitted to the Principal’s Office.
5. Never leave students unsupervised in the classroom; always request the presence of another
adult before leaving.
6. Use professional judgment when touching students.
7. Use verbal praise and reinforcement consistently. Speak to students in a calm, respectful
8. Chaperone only school-sponsored events or activities. If you chaperone a field trip be
mindful of the manner in which you communicate to the students in the presence of parent
chaperones and other professionals.
9. Refrain from making or accepting personal calls in the presence of the students.
Staff Ethics and Conduct – Please remember that the welfare of the child is the first concern of
the school. It is the responsibility of the staff members to support programs and activities when in
public. When providing information regarding staff members, departments, or programs it should
be done in a professional manner and to an administrator.
Staff members are to be faithful and prompt in attendance, support and enforce board and building
regulations, turn in reports on time, attend meetings as scheduled by the administration, look out
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