Page 25 - FY21_LawsonAcademy_FacultyHandbook
P. 25


               Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

               The  Americans  with  Disabilities  Act  (ADA)  requires  an  employer  to  provide  reasonable
               accommodations for individuals with disabilities, unless it would cause undue hardship to The
               Lawson Academy.  A reasonable accommodation may include changes in the work environment
               or in the way a job is performed that enables a person with a disability to enjoy equal employment

               If you require an accommodation, you must inform your supervisor that there is a need for an
               adjustment or change at work for a reason related to a disability.  We will respond promptly and
               to the best of our ability to accommodate the needs of all employees.

               At-Will Employment

               Your employment with The Lawson Academy is at-will unless a duly authorized employment
               agreement with The Lawson Academy provides otherwise.  As an at-will employee, you have not
               entered into a contract regarding the duration of your employment, which means you are free to
               terminate  your employment  with  The Lawson  Academy  at any  time,  with  or  without  reason.
               Likewise, The Lawson Academy, in its discretion, has the right to terminate your employment, or
               discipline, transfer or demote you at any time, with or without reason, as long as not otherwise
               prohibited by law.  As provided in the Handbook Acknowledgement, nothing in this handbook
               creates  or  is  intended  to  create  a  promise  or  representation  of  continued  employment.    This
               handbook  supersedes  all  prior  handbooks,  written  documents  (except  for  duly  authorized
               employment agreements) or oral or implied representations that might otherwise contradict the at-
               will nature of your employment.

               Certification and Licensure of Instructional Staff

               Each of The Lawson Academy’s core academic teachers shall be required to hold a current Texas
               Educator Certificate, permit or other document equivalent to that which a teacher in other public
               schools would be required to hold and shall be required to meet certain federal requirements related
               to subject-matter expertise  to  meet federal No Child Left Behind (“NCLB”) requirements for
               “highly qualified teachers.” Paraprofessional staff may also be required to document that they meet
               federal requirements for paraprofessional staff. It is the responsibility of all instructional staff,
               including teachers and paraprofessionals, to provide and maintain such certificates, permits or
               other documentation to the District Office no later than the close of business on the first day the
               employee reports for duty. If an instructional staff employee believes that he or she is assigned to
               teach in a subject in which he or she does not have subject matter competence, the employee should
               immediately report the same to the hiring Principal. Staff who are required to meet state and federal

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