Page 5 - Kadek Desi Indriyani_Ebook_Simple Present Tense
P. 5

4.  Uraian Materi (Project-Based Learning)

                                                               Simple Present Tense is the most common

                                                               tensile structure in English. When you look
                                                               at the word Simple, it means simple,
                                                               whereas present means now. It can be said,
                                                               Simple Present is a tense or sentence pattern
                                                               used to express the present time
                                                               From the picture, it can be explained that the
                                                               daughter helps her mother cook. A mother
                                                               usually cooks every morning for breakfast.
                                                               One of the functions of Simple Present
                                                               Tense is to use it when an action is
                                                               happening right now, or when it happens
                                                               regularly (or unceasingly.
                                                               For more explanation about Simple Present
                                                               Tense, it will be explained in the further
                Image 1. Daughter and Mother Cooking

                 1. Function

                       The function of Simple Present Tense firstly is to express feelings or expression. Take
               a look at this picture.

                                                        Image 2. People talking

               Based on the picture, the woman with a green shirt asks “Are you happy?” and then, the
               woman with a red shirt answers “Yes, I am!”. As said previously, the first function of Simple
               Present Tense is to express a feeling or expression. The woman with a red shirt expresses her
               feeling that she is happy.

                                                     We use the simple present tense when an action is

                           DID YOU                   happening right now.

                           KNOW?                     Example: I am happy right now.

                                                                        EBOOK SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE     2
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