Page 8 - Kadek Desi Indriyani_Ebook_Simple Present Tense
P. 8

  A verb with y at the end and there is a vowel

                                                           before y, the ‘s” should be added at the end.
                                                           Example: say: says
                         ADDITIONAL                      A verb with y at the end and there is a
                        INFORMATION                        consonant before y, the “ies” should be added
                                                           at the end. Example: study: studies
                                                         A verb with o, ch, sh, x, and z at the end,
                                                           should be added an “es”. Example: go: goes

               Now, you have known the kinds of verbs and the formula of Simple Present tense. Let’s
               move on to the sentence. Take a look at table 2! There are several examples of sentences, as
               well as the formula and conditions. Pay attention to the subject being used!

                     Condition                     Formula                               Sentence

                                                                           She likes ice cream.
                    Affirmative       Subject+V1(+s/es)+Object
                                                                           I like ice cream.

                                                                           She doesn’t like ice cream.
                      Negative        Subject+ Do/Does+Not+V1+Object
                                                                           I don’t like ice cream.

                                                                           Does she like ice cream?
                    Interrogative     Do/Does+Subject+V1+?
                                                                           Do you like ice cream?
                                                Table 2. Example of Sentence

                                                 What if you want to say “My father ____ soccer.”
                                                   What kind of verbs do you use? Like or likes?
                      LET’S THINK!
                                                              And what is the reason?

                    3. TYPES

               There are two types of Simple Present Tense, namely Verbal Simple Present and Nominal
               Simple Present. The difference between the two types of these tenses is the to be. Meanwhile,
               the equality between Verbal and Nominal Simple Present still depends on the person.
               Whether it is third-person singular or third-person plural.

                                                                        EBOOK SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE     5
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