Page 19 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 19
Rabbi Yosef Carmel
The Politics of
Spiritual Leadership
ur matriarch Sarah’s name,
ה ָ ר ָ ׂש (literally a female offi-
Ocer), hints she was far more
than an excellent wife and mother.
She was a leader in her own right.
The other name attributed to her, הָּֽ כ ְ סִי
(see Bereishit 11:29 with Rashi), may
also be connected to the word ה ָ כי ִ סְנ
(princess). However, let us focus on a
different type of position of power, as
seen in the haftarah of Chayei Sarah.
While we are familiar with the title
kohen, we might not be aware of its
implication of authority. Indeed, the
verse that says “the sons of David
were kohanim” (Shmuel II:8:18) refers
to positions of power, as they were
not descendants of Aharon. Batsheva held David to his promise after consultation with the prophet.
that her son Shlomo would ascend Evyatar’s involvement in this politi-
Actually, the kohanim in the Beit to the crown. Two Kohanim Gedolim cal maneuvering is an example of an
HaMikdash had authority, all the who shared the post arose on the two improper attempt to decide matters
more so the Kohen Gadol, who sides of this dispute. Tzadok, who and perhaps also an attempt to ensure
was in charge of a huge operation represented the house of Aharon’s son
in the Temple. While this included Elazar, stood behind Shlomo, whereas his position of power under the new
regime. Tzadok, in contrast, did not
great spiritual responsibility, it also Evyatar, who represented the house
included control over a tremendous of Itamar, threw his support behind take a stand but brought the matter to
budget, which was independent of Adoniya. At the end of the process, David to decide, only after which did
the king’s control and had a built-in Evyatar and his family were banished he add his blessing to the decision.
system for raising funds. The Kohen to their village of Anatot and removed The prophets, while also holy people
Gadol was also in charge of a limited from prominence (Melachim I:2:26), like the kohanim, did have a role
judicial system, known as beit din shel and Tzadok became the sole leader of that made it appropriate for them to
kohanim (see Mishna Ketubot 1:5). become involved in political matters.
At times, this system led to severe the tribe. After all, their job was not to deter-
corruption, such as at the time of Why was Tzadok’s involvement in
the sons of Eli or of the bribe-paying the dispute deemed proper while mine halachic policy for the gener-
candidates for the job during Second Evyatar’s was not? What was wrong ations but to educate the people as
Temple times. with supporting Adoniya? From to what to do in the present, which
these verses, perhaps we can learn might include “political” steps.
In our haftarah, we are witness to
a power struggle of a different kind when it is right for religious leaders
between two prominent kohanim. to get involved in political debate.
Adoniya is described as approaching
Toward the end of David’s reign, it Evyatar, who agreed to support him Rabbi Yosef Carmel was born in Jerusa-
was clear to most citizens that his (ibid. 7). Adoniya should have acted lem in 1953. He is the Rabbinical Dean of
successor would be Adoniya, his wife with humility and waited for David the Eretz Hemdah Institute for Advanced
Chagit’s oldest son. Nevertheless, to decide who would succeed him, Jewish Studies in Jerusalem.
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