Page 43 - HaMizrachi Australia Rosh HaShana Yom Kippur 5781
P. 43


                                                                                              Eve Harow

              The Biyar Aqueduct

          n August 1995, the Dagan Hill, an                                      carved horizontally through the moun-
          unoccupied strategic location within                                   tain to empty into Solomon’s Pools. In
      Ithe municipal boundaries of Efrat,                                        the absence of electrical pumps, gravity
       was the scene of a major two-week                                         dictated the flow and the Dagan Hill was
       protest (with deep involvement by the                                     too high to straddle and keep the water
       author of this article) against the Israeli                               flowing.
       government’s plan to relinquish it to the
       Palestinian Authority in nearby Bethle-                                   After a sojourn in the enormous catch-
       hem. During the mayhem, we uncovered                                      ment  basins  (capacity  250,000  cu/
                                                                                 meters) of Solomon’s Pools (not built by
       ancient man-made shafts in the ground                                     King Solomon but perhaps inspired by
       and archaeologists were called in to   The covered shaft on the Dagan     him), the collected water took different
                                                                                 directions. One section led east to the
                                            an aquiclude  and then streaming all the   desert fortress-palace at Herodian; rem-
       The Biyar system was apparently ini-  water via its gradient.
       tiated by the Hasmoneans and exten-                                       nants can still be seen on Efrat’s Eitam
       sively expanded by Herod the Great   It was in use until 1967 (a 2000-year run!)   Hill. Another, the Upper Aqueduct,
       (37-4 BCE) as a solution to the growth   maintained over many periods and aided   apparently ended at Hezekiah’s Pool
       of Jerusalem’s population and the com-  significantly by a pumping station built   in today’s Christian Quarter, to supply
       mensurate need for more water, espe-  under the British Mandate in 1924, still   Herod’s Palace at Jaffa Gate, although
       cially during the festival pilgrimages   visible near the Pina Chama at Tzomet   north of Kever Rachel in Bethlehem no
                                                                                 remnants have yet been identified. The
       bringing many thousands to Jerusalem.   Gush Etzion. It’s now a fun tourist attrac-
       Local springs like the Gihon in Ir David   tion where one can climb underground   Lower Aqueduct’s destination was no
                                                                                 less than the Temple Mount, and we do
       and cisterns that caught winter rains no   via one shaft, traverse the tunnel through   have sections in a few areas including
       longer sufficed with the construction of   muddy waters and see how water still   the Sultan’s Pools in Jerusalem and on
       mikvaot, pools and bathhouses. In fact,   flows in, then climb up a ladder and out   Mount Zion.
       the Gemara (Ta’anit 19b) and Mishna   another shaft further down the valley in
       (Shekalim 4) speak of the water short-  between Efrat and Elazar, called appro-  Fast forward to 2020: the Dagan Hill is
       age during the festivals and building the   priately Nachal Pirim (Shafts Creek),   home to a few hundred families, and the
       aqueduct as one of the uses for the half-  with 40 shafts. The nearby Gush Etzion   municipality is building a park integrat-
       shekel Temple tax.                   Winery has a line with the same name   ing the aqueduct with bike paths and
                                            on the label.                        walkways. We still flow towards Jeru-
       The aqueduct is an incredible feat of                                     salem, just now in traffic on the Tunnel
       engineering. They used very sophisti-  The Arrub section is a hewn stone sur-  Road.
       cated techniques for those times, includ-  face aqueduct with dams and walls on
       ing measuring tools such as grommets,   the mountain ridges, wending 40 kilo-
       siphons and the best technology Rome   metres (10 km as a crow flies) at a gra-  1   A geological formation that absorbs and holds
       could provide while combining different   dient of less than 0.1%. Portions of it are   water but does not transmit it at a sufficient rate
       collection methods. The Wadi al Biyar   still visible today although much of it was   to supply springs, wells, etc.
       section is springs sourced and used   destroyed by negligence or dismantled   For a virtual tour of the Biyar, visit www.
                                            over the years for use as building mate-
       dams and shafts to channel water into   rial.  It was likely added after Herod’s under Chol Hamoed tour.
       an enlarged natural underground water   reign.
       tunnel. This tunnel also gathered rain
       percolating through the limestone until   The northern section was what was   Eve Harow is a licensed tour guide, pod-
       hitting a nonporous marl layer, creating   discovered in 1995, the deep tunnel   caster and public speaker.

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