Page 46 - HaMizrachi Australia Rosh HaShana Yom Kippur 5781
P. 46


                                                                                Rabbi Yakov Horowitz

                               How Could This Happen?

                  Tragedy: Speaking and Listening to Your Children

             enerally speaking, grieving    mourn – and they should feel free to   Many parents and educators hope
             does not get better in any pre-  just be themselves, and allow those   their  kids  won’t ask  these  questions,
      Gdictable pattern, but rather         around  them  the  space  to  do  the   which might have them grasping
       follows a random series of ups and   same.                                for answers. That is not the best
       downs depending on a host of fac-                                         approach – for an unasked question
       tors. There are  also  distinct phases   3. How could this happen? There are   is  an  unanswered  one,  and  you  may
       of grief – denial, anger, bargaining,   various hashkafic approaches to deal-  not be there to answer your children’s
       depression and acceptance. Once you   ing with this kind of question. My   questions when they have them later
       know what to look for, you can almost   approach is a straightforward one and   in life.
       watch people transition between      one I find to be honest and teachable.
       these phases, although not necessarily   The Gemara occasionally leaves a   On a practical note, please keep
       in this order.                       question  unanswered  and  ends  with   an eye and ear open to see if your
                                            the word ּוקי ֵּ ת, which basically says we   children are ready to talk about their
       As the parent of a grieving child,   need to wait  for Eliyahu HaNavi to   tragedy with you. It is important they
       perhaps the most important point to   resolve this. This is simply a  ּוקי ֵּ ת and   do so. And since the grieving cycle
       understand is that one never knows   is just incomprehensible. My father’s   is filled with ups and downs, it is not
       which of the countless facets of the   death 47 years ago is still a ּוקי ֵּ ת to me,   uncommon for children’s emotions
       tragedy is troubling them. The only   and it will probably remain so for the   to flare up after being completely
       way to find out is by talking less and   rest of my days.                 dormant for days. Please do not
       listening more.                                                           hesitate to reach out for professional
                                            There will always be  ּוקי ֵּ ת questions,   help  if  you  are  concerned  that  your
       Here are some of the messages I      and that’s when  ןֹוח ָּ ט ִּ ב (faith) needs
       have imparted when speaking about    to kick in. The eternal truths of the   child(ren) are exhibiting worrying
       tragedy, in the hope you will find at   Torah give us enough confidence   symptoms.
       least some of this helpful in speaking   in G-d’s  תי ִ ט ָ ר ְּ פ  ה ָ ח ָּג ְ ׁש ַ ה  (Divine Provi-  Finally, while this column is child-
       to your children:                    dence) to give us the faith to take the   centered, many of us adults have a

       1. We are in this together. I open by   plunge  and  accept  things  we  do  not   challenging time dealing with tragedy.
       giving an analogy of joining  a base-  understand. Since in the limited time   If you find yourself unable to bounce
       ball league, by explaining that join-  we have in this world, and with our   back, please seek professional help
       ing that group means you practice    limited understanding of His ways,   yourself. When they do the safety
       together and support each other over   it  is  impossible  for  us  to  understand   drill on airplanes, they always instruct
       the  entire  season.  You  also  celebrate   100% of events that happen, we must   you to place the oxygen mask on
       victories and get upset over losses as   leave the rest to faith and accept     yourself before your child, even
       a group.                             things that are beyond our ability to   though that seems quite selfish to an
                                            understand ה ָ ב ֲ ה ַ א ְּ ב (with love).  outside observer. The message is clear
       2. People grieve differently. Going                                       though. You cannot be in a position to
       back to the baseball analogy, reflect   Another  effective  analogy  is  that   help your child if you don’t take care
       on how different teammates respond   ןֹוח ָּ ט ִּ ב is similar to taking medication   of yourself first.
       to hitting a home run, or winning or   a parent hands you, even if you don’t
       losing a game. Some take it in their   know what it is – and even if it tastes
       stride and show little emotion while   terrible – because your life experience   Rabbi Yakov Horowitz  is an  educator,
       others go way over the top. Just like   gives you the trust in your parents   author, and child safety advocate. He
       there are different ways to celebrate,   to follow their guidance in areas you   conducts parenting workshops in Jewish
       so too, there are different ways to   don’t fully understand.             communities around the world.

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