Page 27 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 27


                                OUR SERIES ON LEADERS WHO HAVE SHAPED ZIONISM
                         Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi

            abbi Yehuda HaLevi, also known   personality meshing with that of the   A light thing would it seem to me to
            by his acronym Rihal, was born   greater Am Yisrael in his writings.   leave all the good things of Spain,
      Rin the early 11th century in Spain.
       He was both a Torah scholar and well   Although there is a fable that Rabbi   Seeing how precious in mine eyes
       versed in the sciences of his time, and   Yehuda’s daughter was married to the   to behold the dust of the desolate
       was a prominent thinker in Spanish Jew-  son of the renowned Torah commen-  sanctuary.”
       ry’s Golden Age.                     tator Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra, there   Naomi Shemer’s famous line ךִי ַ רי ׁ ִ ש ל ָ כ ְ ל
       Living during the first Crusade, Rabbi   is little historical proof for this. It is   רֹוּנ ִּ כ יִנ ֲ א (“for all of your songs, [Yerusha-
       Yehuda was influenced by the history   known, however, that Rabbi Yehuda   layim,] I am a violin”) from the song
       unfolding around him. He challenged   and the Ibn Ezra were well acquainted.   ב ָ הָז ל ֶ ׁש םִי ַ ל ָ ׁשּורְי was inspired by a line in
       the surrounding Christian and Muslim   During his later years, Rabbi Yehuda’s   one of Rabbi Yehuda’s poems, ר ֹוּנ ִּ כ יִנ ֲ א
       philosophies in his magnum opus, the   poetry and writings dealt extensively   ךִי ַ רי ׁ ִ ש ל ָ כ ְ ל.
       Kuzari, one of the most studied books   with Eretz Yisrael and longing to return
       on Jewish thought. In it, Rabbi Yehuda   to the Land, a number of which begin   Although Yerushalayim was then in
       writes about the greatness of the Land   with the word  Tzion  and speak to   the hands of the Crusaders, he never
       of Israel, explaining that a perfect Jewish                                lost faith in being able to make aliyah.
       life can only be lived in Israel, where    the  personified  Tzion  directly,   According to Rabbi Yehuda, the phys-
       G-d’s presence is tangible and the          mourning her destruction and   ical return to Israel was a spiritual
       Torah can be fulfilled completely.           beseeching her to pray for    imperative.
       Israel is to all the other countries as       her lost children. “Tzion, will
       the heart is to the limbs of a body.          you not ask if peace is with   He left Spain and arrived in Alexandria
                                                         your captives?” begins   on September 8th, 1140. He visited
       Rabbi Yehuda’s poetic and lit-                     one of Rabbi Yehuda’s   Cairo for a number of months, then
       erary talent was discovered                         most celebrated piyut.   returned to Alexandria and set sail to
       early on. He  wrote beau-                           Another one reads:     Israel on May 14th, 1141. Many of the
       tiful and complex poetry                                                   details and ordeals of his journey to
       and prose in Arabic and                               “My heart is in the   Israel have been preserved thanks to
       in Hebrew from a young                                east,  and  I  in  the   the famous Cairo Geniza.
       age, including dozens of                              uttermost west--
       rhyming riddles. Today he                            How can I find savor   Rabbi Yehuda died mysteriously shortly
       is considered one of the                             in food? How shall it   after arriving in Israel. Some say he suc-
       greatest Hebrew poets of all                                               cumbed to disease, others say he was
       time. Many of his piyutim                             be sweet to me?      killed. It is believed that after his death,
       are incorporated into our                             How shall I render   his writings inspired others to move to
       tefillah, in selichot, kinnot,                       my  vows and  my      Israel and influenced writers of later
       and  zemirot  Shabbat. Like                          bonds, while yet      kabbalistic texts. Described with the epi-
       David HaMelech in Tehillim,                                                taph “Poet of Tzion,” Rabbi Yehuda was a
       Rabbi Yehuda often connected                        Tzion lies beneath the   major inspiration to the Chovevei Tzion
       his own suffering with that                           fetter of Edom, and   movement and a figure of reverence to
       of  the  nation,  his  own                               I in Arab chains?   modern Zionists and many others. 

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