Page 31 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 31


                                                                                       Dr. Sharon Goldman

                               Reflections on Elections

                Sharing a Plate of Hummus

          n the corner of a plaza off the main   as charming; a country where political   With a fourth election around the corner,
          road in Raanana sits a hummus      disagreements are taken seriously, but   some of these leaders have actually been
      Irestaurant. This particular hummus    those yelling at each other can still share   sent home – not by the Principal, but
       place, half of a rivalry that has continued   a  meal.  A  country  where  challenges   by the voters. Any party which failed to
       for decades with the “other” hummus   around difference in race or background   meet the minimum threshold of 3.25%
       store directly across the street, is run   are acknowledged but not reified. It is a   of votes will not be returning. In what
       by a man who moved with his family    place where one can have heated debates   can be characterized as both the most
       from Ethiopia when he was a child.    that escalate to actual yelling, but always   and the least democratic of parliamen-
       He speaks perfect Hebrew, with some   end with a smile, a slap on the back and   tary systems – given the tremendous
       Amharic phrases thrown in for color   a lehitraot (see you again soon).    power handed to the small parties whose
       when necessary.                                                            seats are wooed by the winning party in
                                             This is not to say we don’t have real
       The restaurant has been operating     problems in Israel, all of which have   order to reach the magical number of 61
       throughout the entire Corona shutdown,   been exacerbated by Corona. Setting   – every voter has the ability to influence
       with “takeout” that can be eaten on the   the tone, and perhaps unintentionally   the outcome.
       benches directly outside the restaurant.   but nonetheless definitely condoning the   There are many pressing issues in Israel:
       But as the owner explains, “I  would                                       security concerns, the pressure on our
       prefer to pay a fine than not to see my   vitriol, are many of our political leaders   hospital system, the critical state of our
       friends and family.” All his customers are   whose fractious disagreements con-
       family: from the Moroccan “only Bibi”   tinue to turn personal. Both sides have   economy in the face of Corona, the
       voter to the Ashkenazi Meretz supporter   accused the other of being responsible   mental health of citizenry – and none of
       (“He is totally confused politically. But   for the deaths of thousands; language   them should be minimized. But I think it
       if everyone agreed, we couldn’t have the   that would have been bleeped from   is critical that Israelis also demand civil-
       fun of arguing,” says the owner) to my   TV a decade ago is used to describe   ity from their elected representatives.
       daughter’s half African-American fiancé   opponents, and parties have split into   Perhaps I should invite our politicians
       (“My brother!” exclaims the owner as   factions. This escalation of political   to come join me at my local hummus
       he hands him a free soda). People from   rancor has serious consequences. It not   restaurant and learn from the real
       across my neighborhood, even those    only too often causes political paraly-  people of Israel how to behave in the
       who don’t particularly enjoy hummus,   sis at a time when action is desperately   face of disagreements: understand we
       have continued to visit the restaurant,   needed, but it is also reflected in civil   are all brothers and sisters who may hold
       simply to engage one another in heated   society in ways that are both insidious   radically different perspectives, but all
       conversations around current events –   and destructive.                   truly want the best for one another. Let’s
       mostly Corona, the economy and the                                         make those who can’t seem to get along
       government’s responses.               One newscaster said, somewhat nostal-
                                             gically, “When I was a child and got into   share a plate of hummus and pita. It can
       If you want a symbol of what makes    a fight in school, the Principal would   only help.
       Israel a special place, even – or maybe   send both me and the other child home
       especially – during this very difficult   to think about how to improve our
       year of Corona and as we pass our fourth   behavior. President Rivlin should just
       (!) election in two years, this restaurant   send them all home.” One wonders if,
       and its owner are it.                 at a minimum, they would not all do well   Dr. Sharon Goldman is a frequent speaker

       They represent a country of immigrants,   with a short break – each in their own   and writer  on such topics  as Zionism,  the
       where my in-spite-of-my-best-efforts-  time-out corners – to think about the   American-Jewish diaspora, and the U.S.-Is-
       still-strongly-accented Hebrew is seen   appropriate behavior for elected leaders.   rael relationship.

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