Page 34 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 34

The freedom we experienced at the
                                                                                  Exodus becomes truly whole when we
                                                                                  accept the Torah:
                                                                                     We get a free society when each one
                                                                                     of us says, it’s up to me. We have to do
                                                                                     this, and only we can do it, together.
                                                                                     That is the responsible society G-d
                                                                                     asked us to make, that’s why He led us
                                                                                     through Egypt and all its suffering, so
                                                                                     that we should long for freedom but
                                                                                     understand that this is a responsible
                                                                                     freedom, a freedom we have to make
                                                                                     together. That is what makes the
                                                                                     world’s strongest free societies, and
                                                                                     that is the eternal message of Pesach.
                                                                                     Friends, I think it’s an important mes-
                                                                                     sage… G-d is calling on us to exercise
                                                                                     responsibility by creating free soci-
                                                                                     eties,  by  righting  wrongs,  healing
                                                                                     disease, righting injustices, fighting
                                                                                     against poverty and ignorance, and
                                                                                     all the other bad things that happen…
         Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt”l:            On Seder Night, all our focus and all   So yes, we celebrate Pesach and we
              From Freedom to                  our thanks are to G-d. But once that   thank G-d for the miracles of Jewish
          Responsibility, 5773 (2013)          is over, the second we begin sefirat   history from that day to this, because
                                               haOmer and the long journey to
          n a drasha given before Pesach in    accepting the law on Mt. Sinai, we    we have lived through the third great
          2013, Rabbi Sacks called upon his    realize we have to become G-d’s part-  exodus of Jewish history. First from
      Ilisteners to heed the call of Pesach    ners. We can’t leave it all to Him.   Egypt, second from Babylon, third
       by taking responsibility for our actions                                      from all the lands of our dispersion. In
       in order to build a better society.   The journey from Pesach, when we        some ways, the exodus we have lived
                                             were passive receivers of G-d’s miracles,   through is the greatest of them all.
         The whole story of yetziat Mitzrayim,   immediately into counting the Omer
         that long journey that begins on    and Shavuot, teaches us to become       But now comes the challenge.
         Pesach and ends on Shavuot, and of   active partners in G-d’s world, by cre-
         which we count the days between, is a   ating a more wholesome society through   Can we respond to G-d’s call to create
         journey from simple freedom, which   the Torah’s laws.                      freedom, not wait for Him to do it for
         means taking people out of a country                                        us? To hew the tablets upon which
         or changing the form of government,   G-d is calling on us to be responsi-  He will write His words? To build
         to the really difficult form of freedom   ble human beings, restraining our   the Mishkan so that His presence
         – law-governed liberty, when we obey   liberty for the sake of other people’s   can fill our lives? Friends, that is the
         the law because we understand it and   liberty, giving a little of what we have   challenge of Pesach. The challenge of
         because we are responsible citizens,   to others who have less, building a   Jewish life today.
         responding to G-d’s call.             compassionate social just order that
                                               honors human dignity and the sanc-  The message of Pesach does not end on
         If that is the case, the story of Shemot   tity of human life…           Seder Night. It is the journey afterward,
         is a challenge to our responsibility,                                    to Mt. Sinai, that teaches us how to uti-
         and the story we tell on Seder Night   What does true freedom mean? Freedom   lize our newfound freedom by becoming
         is only the beginning of the story.   comes hand in hand with responsibility.   partners with G-d.

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