Page 38 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 38


                                                                                      Rabbi Jeffrey Saks

                                A Night to Relive,

                           Not Just to Remember

              nce, Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi   degradation to our status as a nation that   of time? Why not inform their masters
              Yehoshua and Rabbi Elazar      can sing to Him in great praise. “All who   using the more common “morning has
      Oben Azaria and Rabbi Akiva and        elaborate and expand in the recounting   broken,” or, “boker tov!” or, as the Tosefta
       Rabbi Tarfon reclined for the sake of the   of the Exodus perform a praiseworthy   records in a somewhat parallel case of
       Seder in Bnei Brak, and they recounted   act!”                             Rabban Gamliel and the Elders in Lod
       the tale of the Exodus from Egypt all that   Zechira  is  not  enhanced  by  being   who sat at the Seder table “all that night
       night long, until their students arrived   performed in the company of others;   long until the cock crowed” (Tosefta
       and said, “Rabbis – the time for reciting   remembrance (although it must occur   Pesachim 10:2)?
       the morning Shema has come.”          through audible speech) is a mono-   The Sages in Bnei Brak realized they
       We are well accustomed to the twice   logue. Sippur, the great recounting of   had a once-a-year opportunity to trans-
       daily remembering of the Exodus (zechi-  the adventure, is best performed dia-  form the mundane, daily remembrance
       rat yetziat Mitzrayim), fulfilled through   logically, ideally in the forum of parents   of things past, to a spectacular reen-
       the recitation of the third paragraph of   and children.                   actment. The Seder serves as a time
       Shema. It might be natural to think that   According to Rambam and others who   machine, enabling the participant to
       our Pesach Seder is some form of the   enumerate the 613 mitzvot, the daily   step into the action of the Exodus. The
       daily obligation on steroids – but this   remembrance is bundled together as   various manifestations of the mitzvah
       would overlook essential differences   part of the obligation to recite Shema.   challenge us to elaborate and expand,
       between that daily obligation and the   Sippur is an independent  mitzvah   and “thank, praise, laud, glorify, exalt,
       once-a-year experience of sippur yetziat   according to all opinions.      honor, bless and raise high acclaim” to
       Mitzrayim. Understanding these dis-                                        the One redeeming me right now at this
       tinctions reveals not merely differences   Rav Moshe’s son, Rav Joseph B. Solove-  very moment.
       in form between the two mitzvot, but   itchik, expanded upon these distinc-  The five reclining Rabbis made the most
       of function, and casts new light on the   tions. The Rav observed that Pesach   of the brief window enabling them to
       well-known story of the Sages’ Seder in   night’s sippur is no mere, dry historical   experience this – kol oto haLyla, for the
       Bnei Brak. In fact, it reveals how “this   recounting, but carries an accompany-  length of that one night. When their
       night is different from all other nights”   ing obligation of Hallel – to praise G-d   disciples found them still at it the next
       for the purpose of remembering and    for the miracles of which we speak. The   morning, they signalled to them that the
       relating the Exodus from Egypt.       recitation of zechira in Shema is “just   window had closed by declaring “the
                                             the facts” of what occurred millennia
       Aside  from  the fact  that  zechira  is   ago. At the Seder, since we are obligated   time for reciting the morning Shema
       fulfilled twice-daily through the rec-  to view ourselves (or portray ourselves,   has come.” That is, the time to return
       itation of Shema, and sippur is a “one   as Rambam would have it) as if we are   to the daily reality of zechirat yetziat
       night only” occurrence at the Seder, Rav   personally experiencing the miracles in   Mitzrayim in Shema has arrived, with
       Moshe Soloveitchik enumerated other   real time, the requirement to sing our   its distance between the reciter and the
       differences between the two:          praise and thanks to He who redeemed   historical experience. The once-a-year
                                                                                  opportunity of personally experiencing
       The daily command of  zechira is      us personally goes into effect.      His redemption has again come and
       achieved through a mere mention of    This analysis opens new interpretive   gone.
       “I am the L-rd your G-d, who brought   insights to the Seder Night in Bnei Brak.
       you out of the land of Egypt” (Bamidbar   What is the meaning of the seemingly   Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the Director of ATID
                                                                                  and its program, and editor
       15:41). Sippur, in contrast, requires elab-  simple, yet actually enigmatic, students’   of the journal Tradition.
       oration and enumeration of the many   statement, “The time for reciting the
       miracles, spanning the great tale’s arc   morning Shema has come”? Why use the   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       from slavery to redemption, from our   particular idiom of Shema as a marker

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