Page 37 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 37


                                                                               Rabbanit Dr. Tamar Meir

                                        Happy Birthday!

             few years ago, we were looking   your blood, I said to you: ‘Live in spite   had arrived.” He nurtures her as a bride,
             for a special idea that would   of your blood.’”                     and makes a covenant with her. This
       A use our children to ask Ma                                               magnificent metaphorical description of
       Nishtana. Not just to recite the text   The Haggadah does not connect the   the relationship between Am Yisrael and
       they’d learned by heart in advance, but   word “numerous” to the verse in Sefer   G-d comes at the heart of Seder Night.
       to truly ask an authentic, curious ques-  Shemot which was used to explain the   The finale of the Exodus is the covenant
       tion. To reach the place toward which   words “great and powerful,” even though   between Am Yisrael and G-d. The cove-
       Ma Nishtana is actually directed: the   the root ב ַ ר in its initial understanding   nant of Mt Sinai, which is described in
       curious gaze, the eyes open to the world.   appears there, but rather chooses to   different places as a chuppah and a wed-
       It’s the look of a baby who sees rain for   connect between the word ב ַ ר and the   ding between Am Yisrael and G-d. But
       the first time, or the toddler who sees a   word ה ָ ב ָ ב ְ ר, and from there to drift to   Seder Night is not a wedding day. We
       lit chanukiah. The gaze which the Mish-  the verses in Yechezkel 16. This isn’t an   don’t see the beautiful, adorned bride.
                                             associative word game, but an intrin-
       nah describes when it states: “they pour   sic chapter to this special night. This   Seder Night is Am Yisrael’s birthday,
       the second cup, and here, the child asks.”  chapter describes the birth of the Jewish   a night she is covered in blood – the
       That year, which has since become our   nation – happy birthday.           blood of the korban Pesach is the blood
       standard minhag, we brought a deco-                                        of her birth. In the darkest times, she is
       rated chocolate cake to the table and   “As for your birth, when you were born   seemingly an abandoned baby, who no
       sang “happy birthday.” We responded   your navel cord was not cut, and you   one cares about, with no one to care for
       to the children’s question of “but who’s   were not bathed in water to smooth you;   her. But exactly at this moment, the Hag-
       birthday is it?” with a mysterious smile.   you were not rubbed with salt, nor were   gadah reminds us that G-d passes over
       Wait, we told them.                   you swaddled. No one pitied you enough   and sees her. Right now, it’s as if nothing
                                             to do any one of these things for you out   has changed – she is still an abandoned
       We reached the answer at the climax   of compassion for you; on the day you   infant covered in blood. But really, on
       of Maggid: in the derashot of the verses   were born, you were left lying, rejected,   this night – everything has changed,
       of Arami oved avi, which the Hagga-   in the open field. When I passed by you   hakol hishtana.
       dah expounds upon at length. “And he   and saw you wallowing in your blood, I
       became there a nation, great and pow-  said to you: ‘Live in spite of your blood.…   Happy birthday!
       erful,” says the verse. The Haggadah   When I passed by you [again] and saw
       explains:                             that your time for love had arrived. So
                                             I spread My robe over you and covered
       “Great and powerful” – As it is stated   your nakedness, and I entered into a cov-
       (Shemot 1:7), “And the Children of    enant with you by oath – declares the
       Israel  multiplied and  swarmed  and   L-rd G-d; thus you became Mine.”
       grew numerous (ּו ּ ב ְ רִּי ַ ו) and strong, most
       exceedingly and the land became full   This chapter describes Am Yisrael as
       of them.”                             a baby abandoned at birth – she’s not
                                             washed, she’s not diapered (an excit-
       “And numerous (ב ַ ר)” – as it is stated   ing window into childcare of ancient   Rabbanit Dr. Tamar Meir is a researcher
       (Yechezkel 16:7), “I have given you to   times). She is covered in the blood of   and lecturer, head of the Literature Depart-
                                                                                  ment in Michlelet Givat Washington, head
       be numerous (ה ָ ב ָ ב ְ ר) as the vegetation of   her birth. This is the blood that G-d sees,   of the Women’s Bet Midrash in Givat
       the field, and you increased and grew…   and promises her: “through your blood   Shmuel and a children’s writer.
       your breasts were set and your hair grew,   you shall live.” She grows up wild, but
       but you were naked and barren. When I   healthy and strong, until G-d returns   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       passed by you and saw you wallowing in   and sees already that her “time for love

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