Page 36 - HaMizrachi #28 Pesach USA 2021
P. 36


                                                                              Dr. Shana Strauch Schick

                Why is Pesach Eve Different

            from All Other Holiday Eves?

             mong the many  halachot  of    Erev Pesach beginning at midday. As an   another beit din to repeal.” Moreover,
             Pesach, there is one that is often   extension of the rule that an individual   since Rashi’s reason (destroying chametz
       Aoverlooked. The Mishnah in          who brings a korban may not do work   and preparing for the Seder) remains
       Pesachim states that there are varying   while their sacrifice is being offered,   operative, so too does the prohibition.
       customs as to whether one may perform   work was forbidden for everyone while   This is the view of the majority of Ris-
       labor on Erev Pesach before midday. The   the Pesach sacrifices were being slaugh-  honim and codified in the Tur and Shul-
       Talmud Bavli (Pesachim 50b) focuses   tered and their blood sprinkled in the   chan Aruch (Orach Chaim 468). They
       on  the  assumption  underlying  this   Temple.                            clarify that the prohibition applies to
       Mishnah; namely, that there is a unique                                    paid work, whereas fixing an object for
       prohibition against performing labor   Rashi, however, explains that the singu-  the purpose of the holiday is permitted,
       on Erev Pesach from midday onward    larity of Erev Pesach is due to the mitzvot   as is writing in the course of learning
       (the sixth halachic hour) which is not   one may neglect to perform properly   Torah. While it is debated whether one
       subject to local custom. However, the   if allowed to engage in everyday work.   may have a non-Jew perform labor on
       Bavli cites a Baraita which appears to   These include not only the  korban   one’s behalf (such as cutting hair) the
       contradict this:                     Pesach, but also destroying  chametz   Shulchan Aruch concludes that the
       “One who performs labor on Shabbat   and preparing the foods required for   custom is to be lenient.
       eves and Festival eves from  mincha   the Seder.
       onward never sees a sign of blessing.”  Several differences arise between these   Ultimately, this prohibition reflects both
                                                                                  an imperative tied with the past (per
       The implication of the Baraita is that   two reasons. For instance, in the situa-  the Yerushalmi), and one that is still in
       on the eves of all holidays one may not   tion this year, when Erev Pesach coin-  effect (per Rashi). Through abstaining
       do work. Why then, asks the Bavli, does   cides with Shabbat, according to Rashi’s   from work on Erev Pesach we impart
       the Mishnah single out Erev Pesach?   reasoning, since one cannot prepare for   significance to the day itself, in conso-
       The first answer offered is that there is   the Seder on Shabbat but must do so   nance with a time when the Beit HaMik-
       a quantitative difference at play. On the   on Friday, the prohibition against per-  dash stood and the day was dedicated
       eves of other holidays and Shabbat, the   forming labor is transferred to Friday.   to offering the korban Pesach. At the
       prohibition begins at the earliest time   According to the Yerushalmi’s expla-  same time, it is a conduit to enhance our
       one may recite mincha (the 6 ½ hour   nation, it is not extended to Friday for   experience of the Seder, encouraging us
       of the day), whereas on Erev Pesach it   the ban is linked to the korban Pesach,   to devote the day toward preparations so
       begins at midday. The Bavli then sug-  which is always offered Erev Pesach,   we can be fully present and attentive as
       gests there is a qualitative difference as   even on Shabbat (Chok Ya’akov Orach   we re-experience the redemption from
       well: the prohibition on the eve of other   Chaim 468:1).                  Egypt.
       holidays/Shabbat is less severe, whereas
       forbidden labor on  Erev  Pesach is a   A further difference is whether the pro-
       definitive prohibition incurring excom-  hibition remains in effect today. The   1   Pesachim, dapei haRif 15b.
       munication. (Whether this prohibition   Ba’al HaMe’or argues that according
       is Biblical or Rabbinic is debated among   to the Yerushalmi’s logic, the prohibi-  Dr. Shana Strauch Schick teaches Talmud
       the medieval commentators.)          tion is no longer applicable since we no   and Halacha at Michlelet Mevaseret
                                            longer offer the korban Pesach.  Erev   Yerushalayim and Drisha Institute and is
       The Bavli does not explain why Erev   Pesach is now treated like the eves of   a fellow at Yeshiva University’s Center for
       Pesach is distinct, but the parallel   other holidays and subject to minhag.   Israel Studies.
       Yerushalmi  sugya  explains that this   The Ramban counters that whether
       prohibition is directly linked to the   the reason still applies is irrelevant, for   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       korban Pesach, which was offered on   “once a proclamation is made, it requires

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