Page 39 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 39


         The Dawn of Redemption

                                by Rabbi Yaakov HaLevi Filber
                           Translated by Rabbi Moshe Lichtman                                            Jasper

                                             ToraTzion, 2022

                                       calling us to return to the Land (think   lowly, and forgetting ourselves is
                                       Eim Habanim Semeichah or MeAfar Kumi).  forgetting our greatness…”
                                       When I cracked open Rabbi Moshe   While reading these words, I grasped
                                       Lichtman’s new translation of Rabbi   the purpose of this book. It was not
                                       Yaakov Filber’s  Ayelet  HaShachar,   written to inspire anyone nor to
                                       translated loosely as  The Dawn of   prove anything, but as a guidebook
                                       Redemption, I was sure it would be   for the generation – our generation
                                       another collection of comments, so to   – that Rabbi Filber clearly believes is
                                       speak, about Aliyah. And it is – but it’s   responsible for completing the process
                                       also so much more. It is a book that   of geulah (redemption).
                                       can only have been written for our
                                       generation.                      As I continued to read, page after
             or anyone who is a student of                              page, topics like “Love and Rebuke”,
             Aliyah – and I consider myself   Rabbi Yaakov HaLevi Filber, a student   “Rebuilding the Nation Through
             one – the book titles of note   of Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook and   Baseless Love”, and “A Nation that
      F are well-known.                founder  of  Yeshivat Yerushalayim   Dwells Alone”, I began to understand
                                       L’Tzeirim (YashLatz), wrote this book   what each of us must do to play our
      It all begins, of course, with the   over the course of 35 years. Originally
      Tanach. As a friend of mine once said,                            individual and collective roles in
      “If you aren’t clear on the imperative   written in 1966 as a pamphlet entitled   completing the redemption. The Dawn
                                       “Kochvei Ohr,” it was expanded several
      of Aliyah, you haven’t paid attention   times: following the Six Day War and   of Redemption is a must-have for every
      to Sefer Devarim.” It continues with   Yom Kippur War, after the Yamit   Jewish home.
      the Mishnah and Gemara, of course,   evacuation and the Lebanon War,   One final note: I and many others
      both of which describe the many   and finally, for the last time, after the   owe a tremendous debt to Rabbi
      mitzvot that can only be fulfilled in the   ingathering of Soviet Jewry to Israel.  Lichtman for all of his hard work
      Land. And then we have the medieval                               in bringing critical Israel-related
      authorities like Rambam and Ramban,   Written in five sections – The Land of   texts, including Ayelet HaShachar, to
      who debate the status of Aliyah and   Israel; The Eternal Nation; Loving All   the English-speaking world. His Eim
      whether it is a positive commandment   Jews; The Third Return to Zion; and   Habanim Semeichah, An Angel Among
      or an “uber-mitzvah” upon which many   Dawn Has Broken – the entire book is   Men, A Question of Redemption, What’s
      other mitzvot depend. Later on, the   filled with teachings from the Sages   the Purpose? and  Rise From the Dust,
      Vilna Gaon and many others had much   on Aliyah and redemption, each section   all  of  which  are  Rabbi  Lichtman’s
      to say about the need for our people to   punctuated by the beautiful words of   translations of Hebrew-language
      return to the Land.              Rav Kook.
                                                                        classics, play a uniquely important
      Modern Aliyah literature falls into two   In Rabbi Filber’s treatment of The   role  in  strengthening  the  English-
      categories. The first group consists   Eternal Nation, he cites Rav Kook on   speaking community during this time
      of books designed to inspire people   the need to be clear about our people’s   of redemption. May he continue his
      to  make  the  big  move (such  as  To   unique role in this world: “If we know   holy work as the ingathering of the
      Dwell in the Palace, It’s Time to Come   our greatness, we know our (true)   exiles continues!
      Home or Eretz Yisrael in the Parashah:   selves; but if we forget our greatness,
      The Centrality of the Land of Israel in the   we forget ourselves. And a nation that   Rabbi Lichtman’s books are available at
      Torah), while the second category seeks   forgets its essence is certainly small
      to demonstrate, through a thorough   and lowly. Only by way of forgetting   Goel Jasper lives in Beit Shemesh and is the
      reading of classical sources, that G-d is   ourselves do we remain small  and   host of the Return Again podcast.

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