Page 36 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 36

becoming a priestly people and holy   natural about a Jew, living in Judea,
                                                    nation – only then would we be truly   paying with sheep.
                                                                                     As we built up our flock again, we began
                                                    Much like the redemption from Egypt,   receiving calls from local Judean youth
                                                    the redemption I experienced here in   who dreamed of becoming shepherds
                                                    Judea has been an unfolding journey   and wanted to shepherd our flock. And
                                                    as well. It, too, came in moments.   just like that, we had a team of young
                                                                                     barefoot shepherds and shepherdesses
                                                    One such moment struck me on     to tend our flock, take them out to
                                                    a Shabbat afternoon as I davened   pasture and milk them on schedule.
                                                    Mincha on a mountaintop surrounded
                                                    by our sheep. While smiling at the   Soon afterwards, an expert cheese-
                                                    absurdity of having transformed   maker came to teach our young
                                                    myself from a media guy into a   shepherds the art of making halloumi,
                                                    shepherd, I found myself reflecting   feta, and yogurts (to name just a few)
                                                    on the unexpected story of our sheep.   and what was once an empty room
                                                                                     in our retreat center became a cheese
                                                    Though sheep provide us with meat   factory.
                                                    and wool, we invested in our flock of
                                                    sheep primarily because of the critical   Long before law, accounting and
                                                    role that sheep traditionally play in   medicine  became  the  Jewish
                                                                                     professions of choice, King David
                                                    securing property in Judea – a law   shepherded his flock of sheep in
                                                    of the mountains respected by the   these very mountains. And just as
                                                    Arabs and Bedouin in our area. While   our forefathers, when asked about
                                                    we have very positive and productive   their occupation by the mighty
                                                    relationships with all of our neighbors,   Pharoah, responded, “Your servants
                                                    having a flock of sheep is a necessary   are shepherds, both we and our
                                                    prerequisite to being a recognized   forefathers”, the  time has come
                                                    presence in our neck of the woods.   when we, their children, are proudly
                                                    Early on, due to an unexpected series   assuming that role as well.
                                                    of events, we ran out of funds as we   Then there was the day that the
                                                    were building our retreat center.   Germans arrived. They told us that
                                                    Having already signed a contract   they were artisans and craftsmen,
                                                    with the builder, we told him that, for   many of them children and
                                                    reasons out of our hands, we couldn’t   grandchildren of Nazis. They had
                                                    pay him what we owed him. Needing   come, in their own words, to do
                                                    the money, he suggested that we pay   teshuvah. While their forebears had
                                                    him with our sheep, a reasonable   brought curses and destruction upon
                                                    request which we agreed to honor.   the Jewish people, their goal was to
                                                    While herding the vast majority of   bring blessings and to build. When I
                                                    our sheep onto his wagons, it struck   asked why they chose Arugot Farm
                                   (PHOTO: YAKOV AFLALO)  me that there is something intuitively   from all the other settlements and

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