Page 34 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 34


                   Arugot Farm:

                   REDEMPTION ON THE

                         JUDEAN FRONTIER

                                                                                around as well. Rising from the center of the
                                                                                mountain is our castle-like retreat center
                                                                                which, although only half completed, is
                                                                                already a destination which people from
                                                                                all over the world come to experience.
                                                                                On the summit of the highest mountain
                                                                                on our property we built our beit tefillah,
                                                                                which is unparalleled in its mystical beauty.
                                                                                It is already regularly booked with a wide
                                                                                array of spiritual concerts and experiential
                                                                                programs such as hitbodedut, hishtokekut,
                                                                                and other types of ancient meditation
                                           Along with my three pioneering partners   techniques that are once again coming to
            his is my home.                and their families, we transformed these   life in the Land of Israel.
                                           previously inaccessible mountains from
      TI live on a mountaintop on the      a barren desolation of rocks, thorns, and   A short walk away one can find an ancient
            southeastern tip of the Judean   tumbleweeds into a Garden of Eden-like   cave, untouched for millennia, which could
      Frontier. I could try to describe it to you   oasis unlike anything in the Land of Israel.  undoubtedly tell great stories of our history
      in words, but I’ve come to believe that’s                                 from King David and the Maccabees, to Bar
      impossible; it would be like showing you a   From a distance, our farm appears on the   Kochba and the battles for Judea. In the
      sheet of musical notes instead of taking you   horizon like an ancient Judean Kingdom.   southern valley surrounding our mountain
      to a philharmonic orchestra.         I’ve heard the word “Camelot” thrown   are the organic vineyards we planted five

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