Page 31 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 31

Mizrachi Girls School, Jerusalem 1950

      the years that preceded the Second World War: “Every suit-  through the years… the same discussions, the same joy
      case, every bag, every pressed collar, every leather belt   from a newly introduced idea, from a beautiful and stirring
      matched to the color of the dress attested to the parents’   literary expression, you find among these girls as well…
      care.” Professor Leibowitz added that the girls who came in   Apparently such is the soul of a young man or woman of
      those years with attractive clothing from their comfortable   Israel: its purity withstands the gates of defilement and is
      homes in Germany knew not a word of Hebrew when they   unmarred. Fortunate is the home that takes in such youth
      arrived in the country. Professor Leibowitz lamented the   to educate them, to guide them, to teach them Torah. How
      fact that a large part of the two years they were afforded   great is its task, and how grave its responsibility!” (Nechama
      to study at the institution was dedicated to learning rudi-  Leibowitz, HaTzofeh, “The Immigrant Girls”, October 21, 1947)
      mentary Hebrew vocabulary instead of engaging in study
      that would enrich the intellect and the soul.    Expansion of the Mizrachi Girls School
      Upon completing their studies, the girls were assimilated in  of Jerusalem
      the workforce in various places in the country. Some joined   In 1945, a cornerstone was laid on the grounds of the school
      the kibbutzim of Tirat Tzvi, Ein HaNatziv, Yavneh, and those
      of Gush Etzion. The goal was to train them as pioneers who   for the construction of an additional building that would
                                                       house Holocaust survivors of elementary school age. The
      would help build new religious communities.
                                                       assumption was that the girls attending the high school
                                                       would be able to help the younger children and assist
      After the war                                    the existing staff while gaining experience in childcare.
      In the same HaTzofeh article, Professor Nechama Leibowitz   Construction ended in June 1946, and the institution then
      described how different the students who arrived from   opened its doors.
      Europe in the two years after the war were from those who   In August 1951, a cornerstone was laid on the grounds for
      had come in the early days of the school. The girls who came   the construction of the Esther Shapiro Vocational High
      after the Holocaust knew Hebrew better and were thirsty   School, named after a member of Mizrachi Women of
      for knowledge, despite the atrocities they had endured.  America. Present at the cornerstone laying ceremony was
      “You might have thought that girls who had spent five   Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog, who noted in his remarks that
      or six years – one-third of their lives! – in such horrific   “many daughters have done great things”, but the Mizrachi
      surroundings, in places where every trapping of humanity   Women of America have surpassed them all by founding
      had failed, where every moral law had been annulled, where   establishments dedicated to the glory of education.
      all values had been trampled, would not be able to receive
      the words of the living G-d; that the Torah and the Prophets
      would no longer find inroads to their hearts due to apathy
      or cynicism.
      “You stand there in wonder and amazement… because the    Originally published in Hebrew at
      very same reactions we saw from the best of the youth all

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