Page 35 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 35

years ago which have just recently yielded   are Jews, and this is our natural home,
      our very first bottles of wine. Ascending   where we can flourish and grow.
      the mountain, you’d trek through our   Before I moved here, I felt like a fish out
      nearly four thousand blossoming fruit
      trees, an innovative ecological freshwater   of water, flopping around on the river
                                          bank gasping for air. The fish has a short
      oasis, a horse flanked by a flock of sheep,
      and intoxicating views of the Dead Sea,   memory; it thinks that the natural state of
      Masada, Jerusalem, and the Judean Desert.  a fish must be to gasp for air and slowly
                                          die. But then the fish flops its way back
      These mountains were designated by   into the river and, revitalized, finally
      the Israeli government for agriculture   realizes, “Oh, this is what it is to be a fish!”
      and tourism, and if our goal was merely   This is how I felt when I planted my roots
      to fulfill that mandate, we could have   here in Judea. I was filled with a new sense
      simply built functional structures and   of life, vitality, joy, and mission. “Oh, this
      completed construction long ago. But we   is what it is to be a Jew!”
      all felt that what we could bring to life in
      these mountains would be leTiferet Yisrael, a   A taste of redemption
      source of pride and splendor for the nation
      of Israel. A place of indescribable beauty,   Judea is not merely a geographical location
      our goal was to transform these barren   on a map or a destination you type into
      mountains into nothing short of a jewel   Waze. Judea is a return to our identity;
      in the crown of Judea. Although we are   a journey of self-actualization and self-
      far from completion, I am deeply grateful   discovery. Judea is a taste of redemption.
      that our farm is already considered among   We are approaching the holiday of
      the most beautiful destinations in Israel.   Pesach,  the  chag  hageulah, the “holiday
      I say these words with humility. We   of redemption”. Before I moved here,
      recognize that what we have accomplished   “redemption” was just a word, a theological
      here far transcends anything we could   concept I mentioned three times a day in
      have accomplished with our own skills   my tefillot since grade school. But since
      and strength. If not for Hashem’s help   coming to Arugot Farm, I have experienced
      and often thinly-veiled miracles, there   moments, however fleeting, when
      is no way that we could have possibly   redemption became more than just an idea.
      manifested this vision. The only thing   Ramban explains why he calls the book
      we could possibly take credit for is saying   of Exodus the Sefer HaGeulah, the “Book
      hineni, “here I am”.
                                          of Redemption”, even though only the
      The head of the Gush Etzion Regional   first twelve of its forty chapters recount
      Council first sent us to these mountains   the Exodus from Egypt. Redemption, he
      because settling them would be, in his   explains, is not just freedom from slavery,
      words, “the most strategic and geopolitically   or freedom from anything for that matter.
      important endeavor in Gush Etzion.” But   Redemption is self-realization, actualizing
      it didn’t take long for me to realize that   our potential and fulfilling our mission in
      strategy and geopolitics were not the real   the world. Only after receiving the Torah
      reasons we were settling these mountains.   at Sinai, building the  mishkan within
      The real reason we are here is because we   which G-d’s presence would dwell and

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